Зеркальность и музыкальность во фрагменте поэтической картины мира Полины Барсковой. Аспект семиотизации страстей
Journal Title: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Russologica - Year 2017, Vol 10, Issue
Reflectivity and musicality in the fragment to the poetic picture of the world of Polina Barskova. Aspect of semiotization of passions Abstract In the article is presented reading of sense-generation’s potential of the phenomenon of reflective surface of a mirror in the poem Polina Barskova's poem «Reflection». It is presented interpretation of a lyrical plot according to inheritance and transformation by P. Barskova the tradition of the image intimate by means of the semantic potential of mirror. ». In a lyrical plot is revealed the authorial point of view on correlation of themes of intimacy and musicality. Transformations of erotic codes are analysed in accordance with actualization of musicality by authorial consciousness of the poetess. The study is comprehended the author's view of the world in the text of «Reflection». In the field of a research such have entered indicators of the author's world of the poetess as authorial codes, erotic connotations, musical symbolics, a semiotization of passions.
Authors and Affiliations
Светлана Фокина
Роман Владимира Маканина Две сестры и Кандинский: жанровый эксперимент
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Зеркальность и музыкальность во фрагменте поэтической картины мира Полины Барсковой. Аспект семиотизации страстей
Reflectivity and musicality in the fragment to the poetic picture of the world of Polina Barskova. Aspect of semiotization of passions Abstract In the article is presented reading of sense-generation’s potential of the...
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