Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія - Year 2018, Vol 11, Issue 19
У статті проаналізовано ментальний та образний рівні вірша М. Тіллó, який репрезентує гостро суб’єктивну авторську інтерпретацію в драматичному пейзажному образі характерної екзистенцальної тривожності нашого сучасника й створює концептосферу «мелодії духу», рівною мірою протиставлену як природі з її циклічними ритмами, так і бездуховному існуванню обивателя-гедоніста. Тhe article analyzes the mental and imaginative levels of M. Tilló’s poem, which represents a sharply subjective authorial interpretation of the characteristic existential anxiety of our contemporary, born of the loss of faith in the humanistic ideal of man as the ruler of his destiny. The researcher tries to reject helpless clichés like «the reflection of the beauty of native nature», to establish a system of values of the poet and to describe her a peculiar artistic expression, because the object of the image here is a delusive and elusive and profane question «what is this?» appears before the reader with a new force. Meanwhile, this poem was largely stimulated by the atmosphere of the expectation of an universal catastrophe on the border of the XX–XXI centuries («Millennium»), which predetermined a certain echo of the biblical intonation of repentance. In the dramatic landscape image, written in an emphasis on the «discolored» gamut and designed to create the impression of «the rarefaction of matter», the Christian concept of reality was reflected as a temporary and doomed to the death of existence. Reminiscences from the ancient heritage, like the Pegasus-horse, not only do not give the product a «sentimental pathos», but on the contrary, emphasize the naivety of the pre-reflective mythological consciousness, which calls from the contradictions of reality into the world of free imagination. Due to written by various-styled amphibracheus (15–12–15) and the alternation of stanzas the rhythm of the verse is intended to reproduce the movement of the lyrical plot into the algorithm «thesis – antithesis – synthesis». It just creates «intervals» are not natural cycles like «winter–spring ...», but the dynamics of the spiritual search, the process of comprehension of the essence of being and the precious role of every moment here. In this dialogue with nature and culture, the author’s ego plays the leading role, giving life to the world and society with its own spiritual impulse. It also creates a special concept of the «melody of spirit», which testifies about perception of the author himself and the nature of the experience of the archetypes of the collective unconscious by him and his readers in the given historical moment. At the same time, this conceptual sphere is equally opposed to nature with its hopeless suffering, and to the «butterfly» existence of a hedonist, who does not realize the existential tragedy of being. The article can also be regarded as a contribution to the consideration of the theoretical problem of in-depth study of the structure of poetic themes and universal components of artistic words like landscape.
Authors and Affiliations
Семен Дмитрович Абрамович
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