Зміни до Кодексу України про адміністративні правопорушення: затребуваність, об’єктивність, якість (на прикладі проекту закону України № 5683)


У статті досліджено питання законопроектних робіт у адміністративно-деліктному законодавстві України суб’єктів законодавчої ініціативи. Проаналізовано кількісно-якісні показники законотворчості в адміністративно-деліктному законодавстві, якість проектів законів, їх визначеність, зрозумілість та узгодженість із системою чинного законодавства України. На підставі глибинного аналізу зроблено обґрунтовані та вмотивовані висновки щодо якості проекту закону та доцільності його ухвалення та введення в адміністративно-деліктне законодавство України. The article examines the issues of draft laws in the administrative-tort legislation of Ukraine subjects of legislative initiative. The quantitative and qualitative indicators of lawmaking in the administrative-tort law, the quality of draft laws, their certainty, clarity and consistency with the system of the current legislation of Ukraine are analyzed. Based on in-depth analysis, substantiated and motivated conclusions are made on the quality of the draft law and the appropriateness of its adoption and introduction into the administrative-tort law of Ukraine. The purpose of this article is to study the quality of the Draft Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses to Improve the Mechanism of Prevention of Risks and To Timely Determine the Driver's Capacity (the Presence of Diseases and Blemishes) to Manage Vehicles Safe» (No. 5683 dated January 20, 2017) ( further – Draft Law), which introduces amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses and clarifies the possibility of the adopted norms to ensure the effective regulation of social relations related to the use of administrative liability. The conducted research establishes that at the initial stage of the drafting of the Law developers incorrectly defined the purpose and objectives of the Draft Law, and also the object of amending the law is incompletely defined, the scope of regulation of which to date is the social relations that are planned to be regulated by the rules of positive law. In the future, the subjects of the legislative initiative pay attention exclusively to the solution of a narrow question: the regulation of social relations in connection with driving drivers in the state of intoxication. The authors of the bill are proposed types of administrative penalties, which are not provided by the current legislation of Ukraine, however, changes to general principles are not offered. In general, a number of issues that the developers of the Draft Law are trying to solve are not part of the regulation of administrative and tort law, since they have no relation to administrative liability. A number of proposed norms are regulatory norms that establish the rights and obligations of road users. Together with these subjects of the legislative initiative, issues related to the correct introduction of amendments to relevant legislative acts, in particular, the Laws of Ukraine «On Road Traffic», «On Measures to Combat Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Precursors and their Abuse» were ignored», «On Psychiatric Aid», «Fundamentals of Ukrainian Health Legislation». As a result, the changes proposed in this bill will create legal uncertainty in this issue and further complicate the application of the norms of legislation on administrative violations in the field of transport and road safety.

Authors and Affiliations

Микола Анатолійович Самбор


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Микола Анатолійович Самбор (2018). Зміни до Кодексу України про адміністративні правопорушення: затребуваність, об’єктивність, якість (на прикладі проекту закону України № 5683). Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 83(3), 152-163. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-538075