Znaczenie rehabilitacji kognitywnej w praktyce fizjoterapeutycznej zaburzeń wyższych funkcji ruchowych - apraksji
Journal Title: Rehabilitacja w Praktyce - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 1
Apraxia, a disorder of higher motor functions, is a frequent consequence of frontal and parietal lobe impairment of the dominant cerebral hemisphere. As a result, patients lose their ability to perform complex movements efficiently according to a perpetuated neuron network plan based on precise targeted movements. The paper is a brief introduction to a diagnostic potential and more importantly to therapeutic strategies for the upper limb apraxia treatment.
Authors and Affiliations
lic. Agata Bukowska, dr n. med. Małgorzata Hałoń- Gołąbek, dr n. med. Agnieszka Sobierajska- Rek, dr hab. Rita Hansdorfer-Korzon
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