Zur Entwicklung des Ethnolekts in Deutschland. Ergebnisse einer korpusgestützten Studie zum Gebrauch der Verstärkerpartikeln in Kiezdeutsch
The process of European integration has significantly increased people’s mobility. This phenomenon leads to various changes not only at the socio-cultural but also at a linguistic level. One sign of this is the emergence of ethnolects in countries with a high proportion of migrants. In Germany, the processes of free movement have contributed to the development of Kiezdeutsch – a new multi-ethnic language variety.
Authors and Affiliations
Magda Grzybowska
Antyczne źródła i nawiązania do klasycznego dramatu w prologu centonu Chrystus Cierpiący
This article is an analysis of the prologue of anonymous Byzantine drama Christ Suffering. This work was written using a centonic technique, therefore a large extent is a combination of verses from other works, mostly...
Rola sufiksów w polskiej walce politycznej. Słowotwórstwo wykorzystywane politycznie
As the political struggle in Poland has clearly shifted from the competition of ideas towards fighting the opponent, the presentation of the political programs has become irrelevant. Labelling the competitors took their...
Pojęcie prawdy w prozatorskich utworach Władimira Maksimowa
Vladimir Maximov, one of the most eminent representatives of the “third wave” of Russian emigration and the publisher and editor-in-chief of the Kontinent magazine for many years, in his prose works presented a concept o...
Стилистическое оформление продающих рекламных текстов
The present article describes stylistic peculiarities of advertising texts aimed at selling products. Many other linguistic means (phonetic, lexical, grammatical etc.) are of importance, but it is stylistic devices that...
On ‘small’ structures in syntax: small clauses, nonsententials, and small nominals
This paper is concerned with various dimensions of the ‘smallness’ of syntactic structures. Grammatical constructions selected to illustrate the apparent smallness in syntax include small clauses, nonsententials and smal...