Żyć w zgodzie z ludźmi i przyrodą” – maksyma życiowa Profesora Stanisława Kohlmünzera (1919–2001). W piętnastą rocznicę śmierci
Journal Title: Farmacja Polska - Year 2017, Vol 73, Issue 1
To live in agreement with people and nature” – the life motto of Professor Stanisław Kohlmünzer (1919–2001). On the 15th anniversary of his death ・ Professor Stanisław Kohlmunzer, one of the most esteemed and respected professors of pharmacy in Poland, passed away 15 years ago in the first days of November. Professor had been the head of the Chair and Department of Pharmaceutical Botany of the Medical Academy in Krakow for 20 years and then since 1993 of Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University (after reorganization). At the same time, he led research at the Department of Phytochemistry of the Institute of Pharmacology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow. He was a distinguished scientific authority, eminent expert in pharmaceutical botany and pharmacognosy, phytochemistry and phytotherapy, herbal science, herbal medicine and mycochemistry. He was granted a prestigious honoris causa doctorate of the Medical Academy of Lublin. At the Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, he initiated innovative phytochemical and mycochemical studies of higher fungi (Macromycetes) and investigations in biotechnology of medicinal plants and higher fungi. The article reminds the milestones of Professor S. Kohlmunzer’s scientific career and his most important achievements in research and didactics. A substantial part of this memories relates how Professor has been remembered by successive generations of pharmacists in Poland and who he was and is for employees of the Chair he headed.
Authors and Affiliations
Halina Ekiert, Karolina Turcza
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