The article deals with the problems of the efolklore in the context of the e-humanitarianism. E-humanitarianism is interactive phenomenon, it enriches forms and mechanisms of contemporary folklore. Its success is often d...
Although tobacco smoking is known since ages,it has been changing its function over theyears. Regarding historical context, author triesto show the changes, which are noticeable in theindividual forms of the tobacco usin...
Tomasz Nowicki (2013). Żywy trup. Jak kultura popularna reprodukuje lęk przed wykluczeniem. Kultura Popularna, 2(36),
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E-humanitarianism. Helping Through Clicking.
The article deals with the problems of the efolklore in the context of the e-humanitarianism. E-humanitarianism is interactive phenomenon, it enriches forms and mechanisms of contemporary folklore. Its success is often d...
Emancypacja kobiet w okresie lat 60. i 70. na łamach czasopisma „Kobieta i Życie”
Palenie bez ognia. Elektroniczny papieros – gadżet współczesnego palacza
Although tobacco smoking is known since ages,it has been changing its function over theyears. Regarding historical context, author triesto show the changes, which are noticeable in theindividual forms of the tobacco usin...
Profesjonalni amatorzy. Uwagi o profesjonalizmie e‑recenzji filmu (na przykładzie internetowych recenzji Znaków Manoja Nighta Shyamalana)