The article describes the role of urban design in the theoretical prospect of the sociology of architecture. I argue that the architecture and design select people (user and tenants) using aesthetic parameter. The proces...
The golden age of the Polish School of Animation took place at the same time as the birth and rise of Polish Radio Experimental Studio – where plenty of soundtracks were recorded. The article consists of audio-visual ana...
The article discusses the assembly of death lore including funeral rites, `rituals of sorrow`, their textual representations and other media artifacts (for example, digital gravestones, memorials, books of condolence, em...
EP ID EP52676
Views 75
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How To Cite
Tomasz Nowicki (2013). Żywy trup. Jak kultura popularna reprodukuje lęk przed wykluczeniem. Kultura Popularna, 2(36),
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Internet jako sposób na tabu choroby psychicznej. Analiza przypadku portalu Mam efkę
Interakcje z architekturą. Społeczne sprawstwo zabudowy
The article describes the role of urban design in the theoretical prospect of the sociology of architecture. I argue that the architecture and design select people (user and tenants) using aesthetic parameter. The proces...
Kompetencje medialne. Wstęp
Usłyszeć animację. Próba audiowizualnej analizy filmów „Dom” i „Labirynt”
The golden age of the Polish School of Animation took place at the same time as the birth and rise of Polish Radio Experimental Studio – where plenty of soundtracks were recorded. The article consists of audio-visual ana...
[`] [`] [`] :((( :*... Bereavement Practices in the Internet
The article discusses the assembly of death lore including funeral rites, `rituals of sorrow`, their textual representations and other media artifacts (for example, digital gravestones, memorials, books of condolence, em...