This paper is an attempt to trace how Szczepan Twardoch, one of the most popular contemporary Polish writers, has become a celebrity. The author will discuss the beginnings of his literary path, as well as how consciousl...
Grzegorz Wójcik (2014). Emancypacja kobiet w okresie lat 60. i 70. na łamach czasopisma „Kobieta i Życie”. Kultura Popularna, 2(40),
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Kultura Popularna nr 2 (40) / 2014, Kultura popularna w PRL
Refleksyjne ciała. Popkulturowe narracje o pięknie
Wobec nierozwiązywalnej sprzeczności. Film milicyjnych procedur w systemie gatunkowym lat 60.
Pisarz, celebryta, influencer? Szczepana Twardocha droga do sławy
This paper is an attempt to trace how Szczepan Twardoch, one of the most popular contemporary Polish writers, has become a celebrity. The author will discuss the beginnings of his literary path, as well as how consciousl...
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