Lipid metabolism and the state of antioxidant system of carp depending on the level of vitamin A in diet Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: K. B. Smolyaninov Subject(s):
Maintenance of total lipids and their particular classes in residual yolk embryos depending on the optional introduction of a separate and complex of vitamins A, D3 and E in the diet of geese during the breeding season Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: O. V. Moravska Subject(s):
Effect of L-carnitine in the composition of the diet bulls on lipid content and quality of sperm Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: V. A. Koberska Subject(s):
Fatty acid composition of tissue lipids goslings and goose embryons Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: A. S. Fedorko, O. O. Danchenko, Yu. V. Nikolaeva, A. V. Yakoviychuk Subject(s):
Effect of pH on soybean, sunflower and rapeseed oil-cakes fermentation in the rumen of cattle in vitro Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: O. V. Hultyayeva, N. V. Golova, V. V. Vlizlo Subject(s):
Lipids of scheep’s serum by experimental infection of bovine leucosis virus Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: L. M. Ishchenko, S. D. Melnychuk, V. D. Ishchenko, S. V. Sysolyatin, V. G. Spyrydonov Subject(s):
The comparison of qualitative composition of the muscle tissue of brown trout, rainbow trout and brook trout Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: Y. O. Barylo, Yu. V. Loboyko Subject(s):
The content and composition of lipids of the longest back muscle in young sheep of different age under conditions of intensive fattening Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: P. Stapay, N. Paraniak, V. Tkachuk, N. P. Stakhiv Subject(s):
Phospholipid composition of liver and gills of fish as indicator of surface water rivers of Ternopil region Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: B. Z. Lyavrin, V. Ya. Byyak, V. O. Khomenchuk, V. Z. Kurant Subject(s):
Influence of germanium citrate and selenium on lipid and heavy metals content in melliferous bees’ organism Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: R. S. Fedoruk, I. Kovalchuk, L. I. Romaniv, M. I. Khrabko Subject(s):
The content of total lipids and their separate classes in products of honeybees under feeding of native soy-bean meal with the addition chromium chloride and akvananocitrate Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: R. S. Fedoruk, L. I. Romaniv Subject(s):
Metabolism and meat productivity of different types of higher nervous activity in bull-calves of Polissya meat breed when fed “Microlipovit” feed additive Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: M. Z. Paska Subject(s):
The content of total lipids and their fractions profile in tissues of honeybee under feeding of native soybean meal and with the addition of chloride and citrate chromium Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: R. S. Fedoruk, L. I. Romaniv Subject(s):
Content of lipids in tissues of the melliferous bees additional fed with soybean meal, sugar syrup and citrates of Co and Ni Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: L. I. Romaniv, I. I. Kovalchuk, A. G. Pashchenko, R. S. Fedoruk Subject(s):
Мінеральний і ліпідний склад тканин організму медоносних бджіл та біологічна цінність меду в літньо-осінній період за підгодівлі цитратами Аg і Cu Journal title: Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Гжицького Authors: І.І. Двилюк Subject(s):