An Attempt to Classify the „Varieties” of Animals, with Observations on the Marked Seasonal and Other Changes which Naturally Take Place in Various British Species, and which Do Not Constitute Varieties Journal title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy Authors: Edward Blyth Subject(s):
Antithrombotic effect of captopril and enalapril in old rats. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Ewa Chabielska, Andrzej Mogielnicki, Karol Kramkowski, Włodzimierz Buczko Subject(s):
Spectrophotometric assay of renal ouabain-resistant Na(+)-ATPase and its regulationby leptin and dietary-induced obesity. Journal title: Acta Biochimica Polonica Authors: Grazyna Wójcicka, Jarosław Nazar, Anna Jamroz-Wiśniewska, Jerzy Bełtowski Subject(s):
Acute effect of ethanol on IgA immunoreactive cells in the intestine-associatedimmune system. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Mirela Budec, Vera Todorović, Neda Drndarević Subject(s):
Differentiation of rat neural tissue in a serum-free embryo culture model followedby in vivo transplantation. Journal title: Croatian Medical Journal Authors: T Belovari, F Bulić-Jakus, G Jurić-Lekić, S Marić, D Jezek, M Vlahović Subject(s):
Effects of 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) on histomorphometric parameters of the rat bones. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Urszula Cegieła, Ilona Kaczmarczyk-Sedlak, Leszek Śliwiński, Barbara Nowińska Subject(s):
Influence of simvastatin at high dose and nifedipine on hemodynamic parameters in rabbits. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Magdalena Jasińska, Jacek Owczarek, Daria Orszulak-Michalak Subject(s):
Influence of cimetidine on the anticonvulsant activity of conventional antiepileptic drugs against pentetrazole-induced seizures in mice. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Mariusz Świąder, Jacek Porebiak, Katarzyna Swiader, Marian Wielosz, Stanisław Czuczwar Subject(s):
Abstracts of the ninth conference on Progress in Etiopathogenesis of Seizures. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Subject(s):
Free radicals generated by xanthine/xanthine oxidase system augment nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and cyclooxygenase (COX)-independent component of bradykinin-induced vasodilatation in the isolated guinea pig heart. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Valery Kozlovski, Rafał Olszanecki, Stefan Chlopicki Subject(s):
Mic ghid de medicatie cardio-vasculară la animale Journal title: Medicamentul Veterinar / Veterinary Drug Authors: Romeo Cristina Subject(s):
O władzy ludzi nad zwierzętami w kulturze zachodniej – perspektywa posthumanistyczna Journal title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia Authors: Grażyna Gajewska Subject(s):
EARLY PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS IN DAIRY ANIMALS Journal title: International Journal of Agriculture Sciences Authors: M.D. PATEL Subject(s):
Legal regulation of the Ukrainian national ecological network formation as the component of European ecological network Journal title: Проблеми законності Authors: Руслан Гольонко Subject(s):
The Trans-Altai Torgut and Bulgan After Forty Years Journal title: Ethnologia Polona Authors: Lech Mróz Subject(s):