PHARMACEUTICAL STUDY OF KUSHTHANASHANA RASA Journal title: Journal of Biological and Scientific Opinion Authors: Poonam Chavan , Anil Chaudhari , R. M. Khiyani , P.S. Swan , M. S. Bhoyar Subject(s):
THERAPEUTIC POTENTIALS OF SUDHA VARGA DRAVYAS VIS-À-VIS CALCIUM COMPOUNDS: A REVIEW Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: Srilakshmi Dasari , Shalini T.V , Smitha Jain Subject(s):
CRITICAL APPRAISAL ON FORMULATIONS OF KOUSHEYASHMA (ASBESTOS) Journal title: Journal of Biological and Scientific Opinion Authors: Govinda Sharma , Anuradha K N, Suhas Shetty Subject(s):
STANDARDIZATION AND COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SHILAJEETA W.S.R.T. MARKET SAMPLE Journal title: International Journal of Ayurveda & Alternative Medicine Authors: Saroj Parhate, P. H. Khaparde Subject(s):
Mukta:Drug of Animal Origin used in Ayurvedic Medicines Journal title: International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Authors: Yogesh Shivaji Chavan, Atul Vitthal Patil Subject(s):
Experimental Study on Nirmalikaran Process with special reference to Rasatarangini Journal title: International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Authors: UjwalaAshokrao Jadhao, Sima Ashok Kurule, C. E. Lagad, D.S. Wadodkar Subject(s):
Postmortem Examination (Ashumritakpariksha) in Ancient Era w.s.r to Kautilya Arthashastra Journal title: International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Authors: Sharda More (Pol), Hemant Pol Subject(s):
A STUDY ON AWARENESS AND PRACTICES OF ASHA WORKERS IN RURAL AREAS OF ALIGARH Journal title: IJSR-International Journal Of Scientific Research Authors: Uzma eram, Salman shah, Tamanna z Subject(s):
A Review on Rasamanjari: It's Contribution in Pharmaceutical Science Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
NADİR KARAKUŞ “HAÇLI SEFERLERİNDE HAŞHAŞÎLER” Journal title: Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi Authors: AHMET AKIN Subject(s):
A Comparative Study of Arthashastra "Embazzlement" and Islamic Jurisprudenece Journal title: The Islamic Culture "As-Saqafat-ul Islamia" الثقافة الإسلامية Authors: Dr. Abdul Qudoos Subject(s):
"Dacoity" An Analytical Comparative Study Of Arthashastra And Islamic Jurisprudence Journal title: The Islamic Culture "As-Saqafat-ul Islamia" الثقافة الإسلامية Authors: Dr.Abdul Qudoos, Dr. Muhammad Naeem Subject(s):
Significance of Puta in Bhasmikarana with special reference to Sankha Bhasma Journal title: Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine Authors: Dr. Sreeja Kaimal V, Dr. Vineeth PK, Dr. Ramesh NV, Dr. K Unnikrishna Pillai Subject(s):
Significance ofParad in Rasashastra - A review Journal title: Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine Authors: Mythili Krishna J, Richa Gaude, Yeriswamy H, Sudhindra A.N, Reshma Yernal, Mithun Bondre, Aditya A.... Subject(s):
A Comparative Analysis of Agriculture and Economic Development of Nepal with Kautilya Arthashastra Journal title: BİLTÜRK Journal of Economics and Related Studies Authors: Yadav Mani Upadhyaya Subject(s):