An Introduction to Medical Teaching by Kathryn N Huggett and William B Jeffries Journal title: Internet Journal of Medical Update Authors: Sushi Dawka Subject(s):
TOURISM ORIENTED GERMAN FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY BOOKS ANALYSIS ON INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE Journal title: International Journal of Langauges' Education and Teaching Authors: Kasım ACAR, Erşad TAN, Umut BALCI Subject(s):
Germless Borders: A Review of “The Health of Newcomers: Immigration, Health Policy, and the Case for Global Solidarity” Journal title: Journal of Health and Social Sciences Authors: Beatríz Eugenía Mafla Satizábal Subject(s):
Book review of: Aleksandra Tłuściak-Deliowska (2017). School bullying. Socio-pedagogical analysis of the phenomenon [Dręczenie szkolne. Społeczno-pedagogiczna analiza zjawiska.] Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej, Warsaw. Journal title: Papers of Social Pedagogy Authors: Anna Odrowąż-Coates Subject(s):
Pr. Maxim (Iuliu-Marius) Morariu, Autobiografia spirituală a lui Dag Hammarsjkold - o abordare teologică, Cluj-Napoca, Argonaut Publishing House, 2017, 145 p. (BOOK REVIEW) Journal title: STUDIUM - Revista studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor în istorie Authors: EMANUEL IOAN CĂŞVEAN Subject(s):
Tatiana Niculescu Bran, Mihai I, ultimul rege al românilor, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2016, 254 p. (BOOK REVIEW) Journal title: STUDIUM - Revista studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor în istorie Authors: LERIA ELENA ARHIRE Subject(s):
Development of the Knowledge of Mathematics Teaching Through the Textbook Review Course Journal title: Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Authors: mujgan baki, zeynep medine ozmen Subject(s):
Tilea, M., Duță, O.A., Reșceanu, A. (Eds.)-sustainable and solidary education. Reflections and practices (2017) Journal title: Social Sciences and Education Research Review Authors: Stoian Aida Cornelia Subject(s):
Recenzii și note bibliografice (Book Reviews) Journal title: Arheologia Moldovei Authors: Authors Authors Subject(s):
Language, Gender and Power: The Politics of Representation and Hegemony in South Asia [Book Review] Journal title: UMT Education Review (UER) Authors: Irfana Omar Subject(s):
RECENZII ȘI NOTE BIBLIOGRAFICE Journal title: Arheologia Moldovei Authors: Authors Authors Subject(s):
Ibn Miskawayh. Tartīb al-Saʿādāt wa Manāzil al-ʿUlūm: Happiness and Philosophy. Publication, Translation and Examination, Humeyra Ozturan. Istanbul: Klasik Publishing, 2017 Journal title: İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi Authors: Hakan HEMŞİNLİ Subject(s): Education, Literature, History , Religion, Theology
Book Review: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language: An Introduction Journal title: International Journal of Research in English Education Authors: Fatemeh Ahmadi Livani, Hamed Barjesteh1 Barjesteh Subject(s):
Monograph review: CREATIVE INDRUSTRY OF SELECTED HANDICRAFTS IN EASTERN SLOVAKIA Journal title: Junior Scientific Researcher Authors: Eva Hvizdová, Beata Blogová Subject(s):
Fundamentals of Operative Surgery, 2nd edition, by Vipul Yagnik, Publisher: Wolters Kluwer, Year 2019, 435 pages; Format: PDF and EPUB, Hardcover; ISBN 9789387506817 Journal title: Internet Journal of Medical Update Authors: Sandip Hindocha Subject(s):