The role of IL-10 in the modulation of the immune response in normal conditions and the tumor environment Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Jagoda Kicielińska, Elżbieta Pajtasz-Piasecka Subject(s): Medicine
The importance of sCD40 and sCD40L concentration in patients with chronic HCV infection and HIV co-infection Journal title: Przegląd Epidemiologiczny Authors: Tadeusz W Łapiński, Joanna Pogorzelska, Anna Grzeszczuk, Magdalena Świderska, Oksana Kowalczuk, Jace... Subject(s):
Znaczenie stężenia sCD40 i sCD40L u chorych z przewlekłym zakazeniem HCV i koinfekcją HIV Journal title: Przegląd Epidemiologiczny Authors: Tadeusz W Łapiński, Joanna Pogorzelska, Anna Grzeszczuk, Magdalena Świderska, Oksana Kowalczuk, Jace... Subject(s):
Wpływ stymulacji wirusem odry ekspresji wczesnych markerów aktywacji limfocytów T CD4+ Journal title: Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia Authors: Joanna Siennicka, Agnieszka Częścik, Milena Dunal Subject(s):
Hepatitis C virus strategies to evade the specific-T cell response: a possible mission favoring its persistence Journal title: Annals of Hepatology Authors: Jorge Quarleri, José Oubiña Subject(s):
Immunohistochemical study on the prognostic value of CD44 antigen – marker of metastases – in gastric cancer and its correlation with selected molecular parameters Journal title: New Medicine Authors: Michał Tenderenda, Dorota Kupnicka, Jan Berner, Konrad Wroński Subject(s):
Evaluation of CD40 and CD80 receptors in the colonic mucosal membrane of children with inflammatory bowel disease Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Barbara Kamińska, Izabela Roszko-Kirpsza, Piotr Landowski, Agnieszka Szlagatys- Sidorkiewicz, Kata... Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Effects of the human CD38 glycoprotein on the early stages of the HIV-1 replicationcycle. Journal title: The FASEB Journal Authors: A Savarino, F Bottarel, L Calosso, M J Feito, T Bensi, M Bragardo, J M Rojo, I Abbate, M R Capobianc... Subject(s):
Does L-thyroxine treatment downregulate EGF receptor expression in endemic non-toxic nodular goitre? Journal title: Archives of Medical Science Authors: Adam Gesing, Andrzej Lewiński, Hanna Niewiadomska, Małgorzata Karbownik-Lewińska Subject(s): Medicine
Evaluation of Anti-Retroviral Combination Therapy In Patients With HIV/Aids Injecting Drug Users Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) Authors: Subject(s):
OCULAR MANIFESTATIONS OF HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS IN RELATION TO CD4 COUNT Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Niveditha H, Sundeep , Himamshu N.V.V, Vinutha B.V, Udayakumar K.N, Pooja Patil, Liji P, Emma Madari... Subject(s):
The distribution of T lymphocyte subtypes in cases with different chronic liver disease Journal title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi Authors: Fulya İlhan, Sevgi Taş, Hüseyin Ataseven, Nalan Mirzai, İ.Halil Bahçecioğlu Subject(s):
THROMBOCYTOPENIA IN HIV INFECTED PATIENTS AND ITS CORRELATION WITH CLINICAL AND IMMUNOLOGICAL STATUS Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Harsha M.M, Chaithra S.P Subject(s):
Hyaluronan: Towards novel anti-cancer therapeutics. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Michał Karbownik, Jerzy Nowak Subject(s):
LYMPHOCYTE SUBSETS IN BRONCHOALVEOLAR LAVAGE FLUID OF CHILDREN WITH LUNG INFILTRATES Journal title: Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis Authors: Amina Selimović, Senka Mesihović Dinarević, Tatjana Pejčić, Ermina Mujičić, Aida Hasanović, Siniša R... Subject(s):