Environmental Protection: Constitutional and Legal Provisions Journal title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: Dr. Chintamani Rout Subject(s):
Effect of Controlled Breeding Techniques on Fertility and Plasma Profile of Biochemical and Mineral Constituents in Anoestrus Buffaloes Journal title: Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences Authors: B.B. Nakrani, M.T. Panchal, A.J. Dhami Subject(s):
A Comparative Study of the Routing Protocols LOAD and RPL in Low-power and Lossy Networks (LLN) Journal title: Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology Authors: Deepak Sharma, Mr. Ajay Narayan Shukla Subject(s):
Protocols of communication in medicine: a brief review Journal title: Medicine in Evolution Authors: Anghel T., Chirileanu R.D. Subject(s):
A Review on Wireless Sensor Network Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
MULTICRITERION ANALYSIS AND CHOOSING OF THE OPTIMAL ROUTING IN AD-HOC NETWORKS Journal title: Informatyka Automatyka Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska Authors: Valeriy Bezruk, Kyrylo Halchenko Subject(s):
Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol Based Wireless Sensor Network Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: J.R.Arun kumar, M.Ramkumar Prabhu Subject(s):
Study of Routing Protocols on CBR and VBR Applications in VANET Scenario Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Pooja Sharma Subject(s):
Hardening CISCO Devices based on Cryptography and Security Protocols - Part II: Implementation and Evaluation Journal title: Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing Authors: Faisal Waheed, Maaruf Ali Subject(s):
An Energy Efficient Scheme for Precision Agriculture Using WSN in Heterogeneous Environment Journal title: International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention Authors: Rupal Shukla, Dr. Ashwni Kumar Subject(s):
Survey Of Routing Protocols In Wireless Sensor Networks:- Journal title: International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention Authors: Patil Anil Kumar, Dr.P.M. Hadalagi Subject(s):
Evaluation of OLSR Protocol Implementations using Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Ashfaq Ahmad Malik, Athar Mahboob, Tariq Mairaj Rasool Khan Subject(s):
Knowledge, attitude and treatment protocols in micro endodontic surgeries among general practitioners in chennai Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH Authors: 1Keerthana, B. and 2Dr. Delphine Priscilla Antony - Subject(s):
Knowledge, attitude and practices of 2nd year mbbs students on over the counter drugs Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH Authors: Ameya Puranik Ameya Puranik Subject(s):
Management of Water Resources by Corporate Companies – A Global Challenge Journal title: International Journal of Business and Management Invention Authors: S. Ranganadhan Subject(s):