The comparison of Brucella gel agglutination test with other Brucella tests Journal title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi Authors: N. Mine Turhanoğlu , Demet Vural Subject(s):
Diagnostic Efficacy of Modified Coagglutination Test in the Diagnosis of Human Brucellosis Journal title: Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University Authors: Smita S Mangalgi , Annapurna Sajjan , Mohite S.T Subject(s): Medicine, Research & Experimental
Brusella jel aglütinasyon testinin diğer Brusella testleri ile karşılaştırılması Journal title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi Authors: N. Mine Turhanoğlu , Demet Vural Subject(s):
A Rare Case of Successfully Treated Coombs Negative Immune Haemolytic Anaemia in Pregnancy Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Pradip Kumar Saha, Japleen Kaur, Rashmi Bagga, Jaswinder Kaur Kalra, Arihant Jain Subject(s):
Routine Cord Blood Direct Coombs Test in Rh Negative Pregnancies- Can it be discontinued? Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Dr. Karthik Ram Mohan, Dr. Ashish Kumar Simalti, Dr. K Satyanand Subject(s):
Progress in immune hemolytic anemia caused by drugs Journal title: Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion Authors: Xinyan LONG, Leiping WANG, Yinze ZHANG, Qingbao MENG Subject(s): Hematology