COMPARISON OF GROWTH, BULBS YIELD AND NUTRIENT CONTENT OF EUCOMIS AUTUMNALIS (MILL.) CHITT., E. BICOLOR BAKER AN E. COMOSA (HOUTT.) WEHRH. GROWN IN A GREENHOUSE AS POT PLANTS Journal title: Folia Pomeranae Universitatis Technologiae Stetinensis Agricultura Alimentaria Piscaria et Zootechnica Authors: Piotr SALACHNA Subject(s):
Assessment of dietary intake in a sample of Polish population – baseline assessment from the prospective cohort ‘PONS’ study Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Rafał Ilow , Bożena Regulska-Ilow , Dorota Różańska , Katarzyna Zatońska , Mahshid Dehghan, Xiaohe... Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Antigenotoxic effect of genistein against 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene induced genotoxicity in bone marrow cells of female Wistar rats. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Pachaiappan Pugalendhi, Shanmugam Manoharan, Kuppusamy Panjamurthy, Subramanian Balakrishnan, Madhav... Subject(s):
Resultados de un programa de seguridad alimentaria en la reducción de la desnutrición crónica y sus factores causales en niños peruanos. Journal title: Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica Authors: Carlos Rojas D. , Rosa Flores M. , Rosario Céspedes K. Subject(s):
Rede e apoio social das famílias de crianças em condição crônica. Journal title: Revista Eletronica de Enfermagem Authors: Vanessa Nóbrega, Neusa Collet, Kenya Silva, Simone Coutinho Subject(s):
Nuclear anomalies in the buccal cells of children under dental treatment Journal title: RSBO Authors: Elisângela Rezende, Maria Mendes Costa, Johnson Fonseca, Alex Ribeiro Subject(s): Medicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery
A subchronic oral toxicity study in rats of ursodeoxycholic acid tablets prepared with micronized drug Journal title: Journal of Pharmacy Research Authors: Tapan K Pal, *Jayanti Mukherjee and Nilendra Chatterjee Subject(s):
Effect of EDTA on reducing tissue cadmium bioaccumulation and cadmium antagonism related to some mineral micro- and macronutrients in Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio). Journal title: Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation - International Journal of the Bioflux Society Authors: Marioara Nicula, Ioan Bănăţean-Dunea, Iosif Gergen, Monica Hărmănescu, Ileana Brudiu, Silv... Subject(s):
PROXIMATE CONTENT AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF OCIMUM VIRIDIS LEAF AND OCIMUM GRATISSIUM LEAF Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: F.I. Abdurahman , M.A. Tijjani , U.O. Osuji Subject(s):
REVELATION OF MECHANISM OF ACTION OF RHIZOPHORA MUCRONATA POIR. BARK EXTRACT FOR ITS ANTIDIABETIC ACTIVITY BY GUT PERFUSION AND SIX SEGMENT METHOD IN LONG EVANS RATS Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: Mahamudul Haque, Asma Ahmed, Shamema Nasrin, Md. Rahman, Shaikh Raisuzzaman Subject(s):
Występowanie Cronobacter sp. w wybranych produktach spożywczych Journal title: Żywność. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość Authors: Elżbieta Maćkiw, Katarzyna Rzewuska, Dariusz Izak Subject(s):
Performance of Some Zinc Enriched Rice Genotypes in Different Agro-Ecological Conditions of Bangladesh Journal title: Scientia Agriculturae Authors: M. S. I Mamin, M. R Biswash, R Barua, A Zahan, S Naher, M. H. R Mukul, B Karmakar, M. A Islam Subject(s):
Genotoxic efect of potassium dicromate in peripheral blod erythrocytes of Oreochromis niloticus (tilapia) Journal title: Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica Authors: Zulita Prieto, Julio León-Incio , Carlos Quijano-Jara , Radigud Fernández, Edgardo Polo-Benites... Subject(s):
Corporate Governance Culture Transmission in Mutual Funds: Directors as Vector of Transmission Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences Authors: Muhammad Ali Jibran Qamar, Faisal Khalil, Waheed Akhtar Subject(s):
A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ORAL EPITHELIUM IN TOBACCO AND ALCOHOL CONSUMERS BASED ON HABIT INDEX Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Vijay Sharma, Aarushi Jain, Vijeta Sharma Subject(s):