The problem of pain in the context of the reward system and learning mechanisms Journal title: BÓL Authors: Natalia Kuś Subject(s):
Zagadnienie bólu w kontekście układu nagrody oraz mechanizmów uczenia się Journal title: BÓL Authors: Natalia Kuś Subject(s):
Pathogenesis of depression after myocardial infarction: rationale, state of the art and perspectives Journal title: Progress in Health Sciences Authors: M. Roriz Dias, MK. Koike Subject(s):
Assessment of the diet and nutritional status in obese patients and patients with normal body weight hospitalised because of a depressive episode Journal title: Progress in Health Sciences Authors: A Wendołowicz, E Stefańska, U Kowzan, B Konarzewska, K Simonienko, M Mrugacz, L Ostrowska Subject(s):
Hamilton Depression Scale (HDS) as depression and hypomania's physical treatment factor Journal title: Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science Authors: Monika Mucha-Janota, Romualda Mucha, Aleksander Sieroń Subject(s):
Skala Depresji Hamiltona (HDS) jako wskaźnik leczenia fizykalnego depresji i hipomanii Journal title: Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science Authors: Monika Mucha-Janota, Romualda Mucha, Aleksander Sieroń Subject(s):
DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS AND WORKING MEMORY DYSFUNCTIONS IN PATIENTS WITH ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE Journal title: Acta Neuropsychologica Authors: Agnieszka Stetkiewicz-Lewandowicz, Alina Borkowska, Tomasz Sobów Subject(s):
Dementia and depression after stroke Journal title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna Authors: Mariola Wodzińska, Agnieszka Doryńska, Beata Stach, Aleksandra Bober, Wojciech Kurzydło, Joanna Szka... Subject(s):
Body posture and selected stabilometric parameters among patients with depression Journal title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna Authors: Elżbieta Szczygieł, Karolina Łopatka, Magdalena Madej, Aleksandra Malec, Joanna Golec, Dorota Czecho... Subject(s):
Fatigue and depressive symptoms associated with chronic viral hepatitis patients. health-related quality of life (HRQO Journal title: Annals of Hepatology Authors: Katerina Karaivazoglou, Gregoris Iconomou, Christos Triantos, Thomas Hyphantis, Konstantinos Th... Subject(s):
Analysis of health behaviour pattern and type D personality among dietetics students Journal title: Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu Authors: Grzegorz Nowak, Aleksandra Żelazko, Anna Rogalska, Damian Nowak, Krystyna Pawlas Subject(s): Orthopedics, Health Care Sciences & Services, Medicine, Research & Experimental, Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Primary Health Care
Badanie zachowań zdrowotnych i osobowości typu D wśród studentek dietetyki Journal title: Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu Authors: Grzegorz Nowak, Aleksandra Żelazko, Anna Rogalska, Damian Nowak, Krystyna Pawlas Subject(s): Orthopedics, Health Care Sciences & Services, Medicine, Research & Experimental, Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Primary Health Care
Depressive episodes and depressive tendencies among a sample of adults in Kielce, south-eastern Poland Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Leif Edvard Aarø, Aleksandra Herbeć, Johan Håkon Bjørngaard, Marta Mańczuk, Witold A. Zatoński Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Diabetes and depression: a combination of civilization and life-style diseases is more than simple problem adding – literature review Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Piotr Dziemidok, Marta Makara-Studzińska, Mirosław J. Jarosz Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Psychosocial conditioning of depressive disorders in post-menopausal women Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Ewa Humeniuk, Iwona Bojar, Alfred Owoc, Andrzej Wojtyła, Adam Fronczak Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science