Medical Professionals’ Usage and Preference of EBM Resources: A Survey Journal title: SRELS Journal of Information Management Authors: Subject(s):
A Survey on Analysis of Chronic Diseases Prediction in Big Health Care Data Using IoT-WBANs Journal title: Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing Authors: Abirami L, Karthikeyan J Subject(s):
COMPARISION OF DEXMEDETOMIDINE AND CLONIDINE WITH ROPIVACAINE BY EPIDURAL ROUTE IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING LOWER ABDOMINAL SURGERIES Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Sai Naveena Lakshmi Bitra, Thanuja Rajya Lakshmi Devi Peddada Subject(s):
The impact of national guidelines on EBM implementation in clinical practice: a comparison between the practices in two countries Journal title: Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology Authors: J. Zahumensky, P. Psenkova Subject(s):
e-MEDICINE PROVIDES 24 HOURS WEEKLY NONSTOP SERVICE TO THE BEST OF MANKIND Journal title: World Journal of Pharmaceutical and life sciences Authors: Prof. Dr. Dhrubo Jyoti Sen Subject(s):
Evidence-based medical librarianship in Iran: an introduction Journal title: Webology Authors: Vahideh Zarea Gavgani Subject(s): Information Science & Library Science
Design of A Prototype of A Webmapping Application for the Management of the Drinking Water Supply Distribution Network in the City of Yaoundé (Center Cameroon) Journal title: Libyan Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Authors: Armel Tchudjang Tinfang1 , Ojuku Tiafack2 , Kasi Njeudjang3* , Mouhamed Ngounouno Ayiwouo4 , Co... Subject(s): Engineering
Readiness Level of Chinese National-Type Primary School Malay Language Teachers Towards the Implementation of Pikebm as A Compulsory Additional Element in Co-Curricular Activities in Klang District Journal title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research Authors: Nor Zahid Musa,Zamri Mahamod,Chia Lee Shan,Siti Raudhatul Jannah Iskandar Miza Subject(s): Economics, Humanities, Law, Social Sciences, Literature, Sociology of Education, Criminology, Public Administration