Static balancing of steel inter-saw gaskets Journal title: Modern Innovations, Systems and Technologies Authors: D. M. Mukhammadiev, F. Kh. Ibragimov, O. Kh. Abzoirov, N. K. Zhumaev, L. Yu. Zhamolova Subject(s): Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Management Information Systems, Technological Change, Control Systems, Control and Optimization, Innovation
Adaptation of the GOMS model for mobile applications Journal title: Modern Innovations, Systems and Technologies Authors: A. V. Uzhentseva, E. Yu. Merzlyakova Subject(s): Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Management Information Systems, Technological Change, Control Systems, Control and Optimization, Innovation
Analysis of power consumption monitoring data and identification of excess power consumption based on the proposed algorithm Journal title: Modern Innovations, Systems and Technologies Authors: E. V. Pupkova, Alexander Sergeevich, N. V. Dulesova Subject(s): Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Management Information Systems, Technological Change, Control Systems, Control and Optimization, Innovation
Method for estimating the informativity contained in a hydroacoustic signal Journal title: Modern Innovations, Systems and Technologies Authors: I. N. Kartsan, V. A. Lutsyshen, A. V. Nerush, N. A. Tuzov Subject(s): Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Management Information Systems, Technological Change, Control Systems, Control and Optimization, Innovation
The impact of a cashless electronic payment system on hyperinflation in Bangladesh Journal title: Modern Innovations, Systems and Technologies Authors: R. T. Mukta, Z. Rayhan, O. Faruq Subject(s): Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Management Information Systems, Technological Change, Control Systems, Control and Optimization, Innovation
Electronic smart textiles: new possibilities in textile industry in Bangladesh Journal title: Modern Innovations, Systems and Technologies Authors: Omar Faruq, Saima Mahjabin, Narayan Chandra Nath, Preanka Kabiraj Subject(s): Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Management Information Systems, Technological Change, Control Systems, Control and Optimization, Innovation
Concept of Spirituality Among Millennials of Selected Secondary and Tertiary Institutions of De La Salle Philippines Journal title: Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal Authors: Myra Patambang Subject(s): Education, Psychology
Molecular and morpho-agronomic traits for vegetative stage drought tolerance in some rainfed elite rice lines Journal title: Annals of Tropical Research Authors: Minerva L. Gaurana-Nuñez, Pompe C. Sta. Cruz Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Biomedicine, Zoology and Animal Science, Ecology, Energy and Natural Resources Law, Veterinary Sciences, Health science
Acceleration in Decrease of Maternal Mortality on Developing Regions Journal title: Public Health Open Access Authors: Keman S Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine
BAKI ŞƏHƏRİNDƏ İCTİMAİ BİNALARDA GÜNƏŞ ENERJİSİNDƏN İSTİFADƏNİN SƏMƏRƏLİLİYİNİN ARTIRILMASI Journal title: Scientific Work Authors: Hüseyn Rauf oğlu Qafarov Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Astronomy/Astrophysics/Space Science, Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Humanities, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Literature, Agricultural Science
AZƏRBAYCAN ÜMUMTƏHSİL MƏKTƏBLƏRİNDƏ TEXNOLOGİYA FƏNN KURİKULUMUNUN “FƏNNİN MƏZMUNU BLOKU” ELEMENTLƏRİNİN “SİSTEM-STRUKTUR” YANAŞMA ƏSASINDA ŞƏRHİ Journal title: Scientific Work Authors: Firədun Nadir oğlu İbrahimov, Sevil Fərrux qızı İbrahimova Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Astronomy/Astrophysics/Space Science, Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Humanities, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Literature, Agricultural Science
MODELS AND METHODS FOR CALCULATING PROBABILITY-TIME CHARACTERISTICS OF SWITCHING NODES OF TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORKS Journal title: Scientific Work Authors: Famil Huseyn Mammadov , Mehman Huseyn Hasanov , Ali Dashdamir Taghiyev, Nadir Arzu Atayev Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Astronomy/Astrophysics/Space Science, Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Humanities, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Literature, Agricultural Science
Characterization and prediction of household use of solar home system in Leyte Islands, Philippines Journal title: Annals of Tropical Research Authors: Jacqueline M. Guarte, Joyce B. Maurillo, Jenefrey A. Niverba Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Biomedicine, Zoology and Animal Science, Ecology, Energy and Natural Resources Law, Veterinary Sciences, Health science
Ultrastructure and fourier transform infrared spectrum of exopolysaccharide produced by Lactobacillus rhamnosus NBRC 3425 Journal title: Annals of Tropical Research Authors: Ivy C. Emnace Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Biomedicine, Zoology and Animal Science, Ecology, Energy and Natural Resources Law, Veterinary Sciences, Health science
Circadian Biting patterns of Major Lymphatic Filariasis Vectors from Northwest Nigeria Journal title: Public Health Open Access Authors: Lawal N , Idoko AS , Abdullahi H and Imam AA Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine