Historical aspects development of weightlifting in Kharkiv

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: Oleksandеr Piven| Харківська державна академія фізичної культури, Lydmila Kanunova| Харківська держа...

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

System-function physical training

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: Vasilij Sutula| Харківська державна академія фізичної культури

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

Application of yoga for flexibility qualified dancers

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: Veronica Aleksandrova| Российский государственный университет физической культуры, спорта, молодежи...

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

Objective: todevelop a methodology for correcting of the training process of students of the Ukraine State Service on Emergencies (USSE) allowing corrections according to the variations of the natural disasters of various regions of Ukraine. Material

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: Volodymyr Ashanin| Харьковская государственная академия физической культуры, Olexandr Baybak| Национ...

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

Characteristics speed-strength and psyhological characteristics of adolescents

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: Оlena Gant| Харьковская государственная академия физической культуры, Roman Golykh| Харьковская госу...

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

Features and performance techniques aiming flexibility of young gymnasts 6-7 years

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: Volodymyr Favoritоv| Запорізький національній університет, Kateryna Siliavina| Запорізький національ...

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

Features of empathy of students of pedagogical specialties

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: Galina Bezverkhnya| Уманский государственный педагогический университет имени Павла Тычины, Tsybul’s...

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

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