Bilirkişilik Müessesesinde Yaşanan Sorunlarla İlgili Muhasebe Meslek Mensupları Ve Hakimlerin Algısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma Journal title: Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi Authors: Arzu MERİÇ, Hakan ERKUŞ, Mehmet KAYGUSUZOĞLU Subject(s):
The role of forensic sexology and a court expert witness in the fight against sexual crimes and for public health Journal title: Polish Journal of Public Health Authors: Dariusz Mazurkiewicz, Janusz Załuski, Jolanta Strzelecka, Walentyna Kondraciuk-Wróblewska, Joanna... Subject(s):
A Study on The Perceptıon of Accountıng Professıonals and Judges About The Problems Encountered in Expert Witnessing Journal title: Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi Authors: Arzu MERİÇ, Hakan ERKUŞ, Mehmet KAYGUSUZOĞLU Subject(s):
Obrońca wobec opinii biegłego w procesie karnym Journal title: Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i Materiały Authors: Jan Widacki Subject(s):
The Role of Forensic Accounting In Tax Cases Journal title: Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi Authors: Murat Özdemir Subject(s):
Medico-Legal cases related to ocular trauma in North India Journal title: Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology Authors: Ankur Yadav, Vishal Katiyar, Komal D Singh, Siddharth Agrawal, Sanjiv Gupta, Vinita Singh Subject(s):
Some forensic aspects of the nasal septal deformities Journal title: Romanian Journal of Rhinology Authors: Ranko Mladina, Neven Skitarelić, Cemal Cingi, Nuray Bayar Muluk Subject(s):
Wysłuchanie biegłego na posiedzeniu w przedmiocie orzeczenia, zmiany lub uchylenia środka zabezpieczającego – problemy interpretacyjne związane z art. 199b § 2 k.k.w. Journal title: Czasopismo Prawa Karnego i Nauk Penalnych Authors: Małgorzata Pyrcak-Górowska Subject(s):
Political Asylum, Anthropology and the Role of the Expert Witness Journal title: Anthropology – Open Journal Authors: Richard A. Lobban Subject(s):
FINANCIAL FORENSIC ANALYSIS AND FRAUD DETERRENCE IN LISTED DEPOSIT MONEY BANKS IN NIGERIA Journal title: Gusau Journal of Accounting and Finance Authors: Daniel Nduka Anowu, Terzungwe Nyor, Samuel Eniola Agbi, Anowu Ifeanyinchukwu Nelson, Adebola Naomi S... Subject(s): Accounting
Expert Witness against the Crime of Medical Malpractice in Indonesia Journal title: Cendekia: Jurnal Hukum, Sosial dan Humaniora Authors: Mohd Zamre Mohd Zahir, Muhammad Hatta, Cut Khairunnisa, Yati Nurhayati Subject(s): Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Social Sciences