Pelvik fraktürün eşlik etmediği yüksek enerjili künt travmaya bağlı ekstraperitoneal mesane rüptürü: iki olgunun bildirimi Journal title: Anatolian Journal of Emergency Medicine Authors: Haldun Akoğlu, Ömer Faruk Çelik, Serkan Emre Eroğlu, Özge Onur, Arzu Denizbaşı Subject(s): Medicine, Emergency Medicine
UNIVERSIDADE AGOSTINHO NETO: UMA ANÁLISE DOS CONTEXTOS E PROCESSOS DE PRODUÇÃO DE TRABALHOS CIENTÍFICOS Journal title: Brazilian Journal of African Studies Authors: Paulo Conceição João Faria Subject(s): Social Sciences
Fabrication and In Vitro/In Vivo Performance of Mucoadhesive Electrospun Nanofiber Mats Containing α-Mangostin Journal title: AAPS PharmSciTech Authors: Wipada Samprasit, Theerasak Rojanarata, Prasert Akkaramongkolporn, Tanasait Ngawhirunpat, Ruchadapor... Subject(s): Medicine
Physicochemical Properties and Anti-Propionibacterium acnes Activity of Film-Forming Solutions Containing Alpha-Mangostin-Rich Extract Journal title: AAPS PharmSciTech Authors: Rathapon Asasutjarit, Papassara Larpmahawong, Asira Fuongfuchat, Vipaporn Sareedenchai, Sukitaya Vee... Subject(s): Medicine
Antiplasmodial Activity of the n-Hexane Extract from Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex. Fr) P. Kumm. Journal title: Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Ozadheoghene Eriarie AFIEROHO, Xavier Siwe NOUNDOU, Chiazor P. ONYIA, Osamuyi H. FESTUS, Elizabeth C... Subject(s): Medicine, Pharmacology
Vocal Function Following Frontolateral Laryngectomy Journal title: European Archives of Medical Research Authors: Ziya Saltürk, Onur Üstün, Tolgar Lütfi Kumral, Güler Berkiten, Belgin Tutar, Hüseyin Sarı, Hasan Sam... Subject(s): Medicine
Yabancı Ülkelerde Taranan Google Fotoğraflarının Göstergebilim Analizi: Kuşadası Örneği/ Semiotic Analysis of Google Photos Scanned in Foreign Countries: The Case of Kuşadası Journal title: Turist Rehberliği Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi (TURNAD) Authors: Hakan ATAY Subject(s): Archaeology, Art History , Tourism and Hospitality, Technology
YİYECEK VE İÇECEK SEKTÖRÜNDE GÖSTERİŞÇİ PAYLAŞIM DAVRANIŞINDA ETKİLİ OLAN FAKTÖRLER ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME Journal title: Güncel Pazarlama Yaklaşımları ve Araştırmaları Dergisi / Journal of Current Marketing Approaches and Researches Authors: Fatma Nur AKPINAR GÜL Subject(s): Marketing
Competitiveness of Indonesian Mangosteen in the International Market Journal title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research Authors: Istis Baroh Subject(s): Economics, Humanities, Law, Social Sciences, Literature, Sociology of Education, Criminology, Public Administration
EKOLOJİ TEMALI TESLA ÖZEL TANITIM FİLMİNDE ROLAND BARTHES’IN GÖSTERGEBİLİMİ YANSIMALARI Journal title: intoba - insan ve toplum bilimleri akademi dergisi Authors: Ayla KAVALA YEMENİCİOĞLU Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Education, Social Sciences
130 Anos do Diabo Coxo Journal title: Comunicação & Educação Authors: Antônio Luiz Cagnin Universidade de São Paulo / Faculdade de filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas Subject(s): Education, Communication
Yellow Kid, o moleque que não era amarelo Journal title: Comunicação & Educação Authors: Antônio Luís Cagnin Universidade de São Paulo / Escola de Comunicações e Artes Subject(s): Education, Communication
THORSTEIN VEBLEN VE GÖSTERİŞÇİ TÜKETİM BAĞLAMINDA “WEALTHIE” KAVRAMI ÜZERİNE BİR DEĞERLENDİRME Journal title: Journal of Communication Science Researches Authors: Merve Çelik Varol Subject(s): Social Sciences
SURİYELİ MÜLTECİ HABERLERİNİN MEDYADA YANSITILMASI İLE İLGİLİ BİR ALGI ANALİZİ: ESKİŞEHİR – İSTANBUL KARŞILAŞTIRMASI Journal title: Journal of Communication Science Researches Authors: Feyza Dalaylı Subject(s): Social Sciences
THE KAOLIN RAW MATERIAL BASE OF UZBEKISTAN AND THE PROSPECTS FOR ITS USE Journal title: International scientific journal Science and Innovation Authors: Hakberdiev N.M., Ozodova D.J. Subject(s): Archaeology, Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Social Sciences, Architecture, Agricultural Science