Depictions of Vessels on two Antic Gems Journal title: Brukenthal. Acta Musei Authors: Claudiu Munteanu Subject(s):
Justification of the Trade Enterprises Development Strategy in the Process of Strategic Management of the Marketing Potential Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Viktoriya Grosul, Stanislav Artemenko Subject(s):
REPREZENTARI DE AMBARCATIUNI PE DOUA GEME ANTICE Journal title: Brukenthal. Acta Musei Authors: Claudiu Munteanu Subject(s):
A Tentative Analysis of the Rectangular Horizontal-slot Microstrip Antenna Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Md. Tanvir ul Huque, Md. Imran Hasan Subject(s):
Design and Analysis of a Connected E-Shape and U-Shape Dual-Band Patch Antenna for WLAN Application Journal title: International Journal of Computational Engineering and Management IJCEM Authors: Md. Mahabub Alam, Md. Suaibur Rahman Subject(s):
Projekt usprawnienia wspomagania monitoringu wód w obszarze ujścia Odry i Zalewu Szczecińskiego z zastosowaniem technologii informatycznych Journal title: Problemy Nauk Stosowanych Authors: Liwiusz Siemianowski Subject(s):
JEWELS IN THE MINERAL RESOURCES UKRAINE Journal title: Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі Authors: Тетяна Головко, Мюшфік Бакіров Subject(s):
SERVING AUTOCRACY: RUSSIAN HISTORIOGRAPHY IN SHAPING MODERN IMPERIAL IDEOLOGY Journal title: Історичний архів. Наукові студії Authors: Y. Zemsky, S. Dub Subject(s):
Gemstones in Geotourism Journal title: GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites Authors: MOLOKÁČ Mário, VÉGSÖOVÁ Oľga Subject(s):
Application of Dual-Energy CT Gemstone Spectral Imaging (DECT GSI) in the Characterization of Ground-glass nodules (GGNs) Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Jama Abdidahir Mohamud, Dr Wu Jingtao, Dr Ye Jing Subject(s):
Transformation discourse in polytolinguistics: comparative analysis of the ideologems at the end of the 20th century
Foreign experience of legal support of circulation of precious netal and stones: prospective of borrowing for Ukraine Journal title: Naukovyy Visnyk Dnipropetrovs'kogo Derzhavnogo Universytety Vnutrishnikh Sprav Authors: Valeriy Romanov Subject(s):
Маніпулятивні прийоми в українському релігійному медіадискурсі / Manipulative techniques in Ukrainian religious media discourse Journal title: Актуальні проблеми української лінгвістики: теорія і практика Authors: Olexandr Levko Subject(s):
Prefects in the system of authorities’ decentralization: new institute, modern institution (organization) or development of new institutional economics in Ukraine? Journal title: Регіональна Економіка Authors: Stepan Y. Vovkanych Subject(s):