Mitochondrial Genome (mtDNA) and Human Diseases Journal title: Science Insights Authors: Ronnie L. Davidson Subject(s): Science
Solve a New Robust Bi-Objective Model for Designing Blood Supply Chain Network by NSGA II and Imperialist Competitive Algorithm Journal title: International Journal of Innovation in Engineering (IJIE) Authors: Hamed Kazemipoor,Melika Ghanbarzadeh, Subject(s): Engineering, Management Science/Operations Research, Engineering in General, Technology, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
An Outline on Rare Disorder : The Prader Willi Syndrome Journal title: International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Bio-Medical Science Authors: JeshicaBulsara, Devansh Thakar, Ms. Priyanshi R. Patel, Ms. Vrushali M. Gajre, Dr. Arun K. Soni, Dr.... Subject(s): Pharmaceutical science - Pharmaceutical science
THE IMPORTANCE OF GENOME COPY NUMBER VARIATIONS IN CHILDREN WITH A DIAGNOSIS OF HYPOTONIA Journal title: Kocatepe Medical Journal Authors: Emine İkbal ATLI, Hakan GÜRKAN, Damla EKER Subject(s): Medicine
Ecological and Agrochemical Assessment of the Kamennaya Steppe Soils under Forest Cenosi Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: Yuriy I. Cheverdin, Doctor of Biology; ResearcherID: AAZ-6497-2020, ORCID: Subject(s): Technology, Forestry
Analysis of the genetic diversity of Physalis peruviana L. from three regions of Peru, using microsatellite markers Journal title: Biotecnología Vegetal Authors: Marlon Garcia Paitan, Alberto López Sotomayor, Santiago Alvarez Vega, Paul Guarnizo Bejarano, Ingrid... Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Plant Sciences
Evaluation of different potato somaclones for resistance to Alternaria solani Sorauer, through the use of artificial inoculation under field conditions Journal title: Biotecnología Vegetal Authors: Michel Leiva-Mora, Novisel Veitía, Miguel Angel Dita Rodríguez Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Plant Sciences
In vitro selection of transgenic soybean lines obtained from somatic embryos transformed with Agrobacterium tumefaciens Journal title: Biotecnología Vegetal Authors: Jorge L. Pérez Pérez, Lourdes R. García, Novisel Veitía, Luis E. Rojas Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Plant Sciences
Morphoagronomic characterization of (Manihot esculenta Crantz) obtained by in vitro culture Journal title: Biotecnología Vegetal Authors: Yoel Beovides, Víctor Medero, Clara González, Xonia Xiqués, María I. Román, Marilys Milián, Santiago... Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Plant Sciences
Transient expression of â-glucuronidase in cell suspensions of the banana hybrid cultivar 'FHIA-21' (AAAB) Journal title: Biotecnología Vegetal Authors: Dion Daniels, Rafael Gómez-Kosky, Boris Chong, Leticia Mas, Idalmis Bermúdez-Bermúdez, Bárbara Ocaña... Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Plant Sciences
Determination by AFLP of the genetic stability of cassava plants obtained by somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis Journal title: Biotecnología Vegetal Authors: Víctor R. Medero, Roosevelt Escobar, Gerardo Gallego, Joe Tohme, Yoel Beovidez, Sergio Rodríguez, Ra... Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Plant Sciences
Study of culture media for the in vitro conservation of cassava Journal title: Biotecnología Vegetal Authors: Aymé Rayas, Victor Mederos, Magaly García, Jorge López, Manuel Cabrera, José de la C. Ventura, Maril... Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Plant Sciences
In vitro conservation of sweet potato clones under minimal growth conditions Journal title: Biotecnología Vegetal Authors: Angel Espinosa Reyes, Orlando González Paneque, Juan J. Silva Pupo Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Plant Sciences
Effect of the combined use of two cytokinins in the multiplication and regeneration of adventitious banana buds cv. ‘Gros Michel’ (Musa AAA) Journal title: Biotecnología Vegetal Authors: Idalmis Bermúdez-Caraballoso, Mayelín Rodríguez Urquiza, Maritza Reyes Vega, Alejandro Jiménez Padró... Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Plant Sciences
New sugarcane cultivars to start harvesting in the Ofelina Panama sugarmill Journal title: Biotecnología Vegetal Authors: Alberto N. González Marrero, Héctor Jorge Suárez, Antonio Menéndez Sierra, Antonio Vera Méndez Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Plant Sciences