Estimating Engine Performance and Emission Values Using ANFIS

Journal title: International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies

Authors: Ilker Ali OZKAN| Computer Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Selcuk University, Turkey, Murat CINIV...

Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Production, Operation and Manufacturing Management, Design Automation

Estimation of parameters of physical health of children of midchildhood

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: Saranchuk T.| Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

Optimal physical activity of students in the initial period of training

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: Konovalov V.| Національний університет цивільного захисту України Глухівський національний педагогіч...

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

Image forming of Ukrainian football clubs

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: Sergey Volik| Харківська державна академія фізичної культури, V’yacheslav Mulik| Харківська державна...

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

The Cartographic providing of recreations and tourist activity

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: Alexander Bulashev| Харьковская государственная академия физической культуры

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

The assessment of some parameters of physical health of primary school pupils

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: Lyudmila Mykhno| Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

Indirect methods of determination of maximum oxygen consumption

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: Leonid Serhiyenko| Николаевский межрегиональный институт развития человека ВУЗ «Открытый международн...

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

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