THE NATURE, CONCEPT AND THE BEING A MESSENGER OF ALLAH IN KALAM (ISLAMIC THEOLOGY) Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Recep Önal*| Dr., Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı, Drammen/Norveç Din Görevlisi, Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FIRST REGULAR ARMY IN THE ISLAMIC HISTORY Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Halit ÇİL| Yrd. Doç. Dr., KSÜ İlahiyat Fakültesi, Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
ISLAMIC PERSPECIVE’ S EFFECT ON NON MUSLIMS IN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Mustafa YİĞİTOĞLU*| Yrd. Doç. Dr., Karabük Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi, İslam Tarihi ve Sanatlar... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
THE CONCEPT OF THE İMAMATE AND SULTAN AT SULÛKU'L-MULÛK OF FADLALLAH RÛZBİHAN KHUNCÎ Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Yunus Kaplan*| Yrd. Doç. Dr. Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi, Felsefe Bölümü Öğretim Üyesi, yunuskaplanl... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
An Essay on Salafism as a Comprehending Way in the History of Islamic Thought Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Mustafa Selim YILMAZ| Yrd. Doç. Dr., KBÜ İlahiyat Fakültesi Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
The Project of Brotherhood During the Process Of Stablishing First Islamic Society Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Fatih AÇIK| Dr., / Özel Sektör Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
Four Different Perspectives of Islamic Democracy Debate Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Ahmet Ayhan KOYUNCU| Ar. Gör. Dr., Muş Alpaslan Ünv. Fen Edebiyat Fak. Sosyoloji ahmetakoyuncu@hotma... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
An Example to Ottoman Woman Magazınes: Mürüvvet Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Neslihan KILIÇ| Öğretmen, MEB Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
The Crime of Fornication and Its Punishment in Judaism and Islam Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Mustafa YİĞİTOĞLU| Yrd. Doç. Dr.,Karabük Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi mustafayigitoglu@karabuk.ed... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
Development of Integrative Islamic Personality Model Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Mustafa TEKKE| Doktora Öğrencisi, International Islamic University Malaysia,... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
The Question of the Existence of Temple of Solomon and al- Masjid al-Aqsa at the Time of Isra and Miraj Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Mustafa YİĞİTOĞLU| Yrd. Doç. Dr., Karabük Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Asst.Prof. ,Karabuk Unv. T... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
Management in Quran Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences Authors: Nasrin Tavakoli| Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Payame Noor University (PNU), PO Box: 1939... Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine
Social Justice and Women’s Roles in Islamic Government’s Progression Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences Authors: Nasrin Tavakoli| Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Payame Noor University (PNU), PO Box: 1939... Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine
The philosophy of scientific proofs in criminal matters, and studying Islamic criminal law approach about them Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences Authors: Valiollah Khoshtinat| Assistant Professor and faculty member, Department of Theology and Islamic Sci... Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine
The Impact of Adherence to Islamic Beliefs through Academic Achievement on University Students' Tendency to Drug Consumption Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences Authors: Valiollah Khoshtinat| Assistant Professor and faculty member, Department of Theology and Islamic Sci... Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine