The efficacy of cognitive rehabilitation with RehaCom programme in schizophrenia patients. The role of selected genetic polymorphisms in successful cognitive rehabilitation Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Monika Mak, Jerzy Samochowiec, Piotr Tybura, Przemyslaw Bieńkowski, Beata Karakiewicz, Liliana Zarem... Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Benefits and risks associated with genetically modified food products Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Marta Kramkowska, Teresa Grzelak, Krystyna Czyżewska Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Free chlorine loss during spraying of membraneless acidic electrolyzed water and its antimicrobial effect on airborne bacteria from poultry house Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Yang Zhao, Hongwei Xin, Deiling Zhao, Weichao Zheng, Wei Tian, He Ma, Kai Liu, Hui Hu, Tong Wang, Mi... Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Methods of analysis of gut microorganism – actual state of knowledge Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Iwona Ignyś, Patrycja Szachta, Mirosława Gałęcka, Marcin Schmidt, Michalina Pazgrat - Patan Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
<strong>Effectiveness of Antipseudomonal Antibiotics and Mechanisms of Multidrug Resistance in <em>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</em></strong> Journal title: Polish Journal of Microbiology Authors: Mohamed E. El Zowalaty, Béla Gyetvai Subject(s):
Effectiveness of Antipseudomonal Antibiotics and Mechanisms of Multidrug Resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Journal title: Polish Journal of Microbiology Authors: Mohamed E. El Zowalaty, Béla Gyetvai Subject(s):
Role of Antagonistic Microorganisms and Organic Amendment in Stimulating the Defense System of Okra Against Root Rotting Fungi Journal title: Polish Journal of Microbiology Authors: Hafiza Shafique, Viqar Sultana, Jehan Ara, Syed Ehteshamul-Haque, Mohammad Athar Subject(s):
Contributions concerning the quality indices’ appreciation in main aquatic organisms, which fall under human consumption Journal title: Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation - International Journal of the Bioflux Society Authors: Ioan Bud, Vioara Mireşan Subject(s):
Investigation of Cleaning Efficiency of Biological Air-Treatment Device with Activated Charge of Different Origin Journal title: Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management Authors: Pranas Baltrėnas, Alvydas Zagorskis Subject(s):
Stanowisko dotyczące postępowania przeciwbólowego u chorych na nowotwory Journal title: Palliative Medicine in Practice Authors: Jan Dobrogowski, Małgorzata Krajnik, Jacek Jassem, Jerzy Wordliczek Subject(s):
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE AVICULTURE IN THE FUTURE Journal title: EcoTerra (Journal of Environmental Research and Protection) Authors: Ioan DUNCA Subject(s): Environmental Sciences
RELAŢIA ÎNTRE MEDIU ŞI AVICULTURĂ ÎN VIITOR Journal title: EcoTerra (Journal of Environmental Research and Protection) Authors: Ioan DUNCA Subject(s): Environmental Sciences
EMOTIONS EXPRESSED TOWARD GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS AND PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS Journal title: Journal of Baltic Science Education Authors: Andrej Šorgo, Jana Ambrožič Dolinšek, Iztok Tomažič, Franc Janžekovič Subject(s):
Mercury Bioaccumulation in Some Commercially Valuable Marine Organisms from Mosa Bay, Persian Gulf Journal title: International Journal of Environmental Research Authors: M. S. Mortazavi, S. Sharifian Subject(s):
Combined renin-angiotensin system gene polymorphisms and outcomes in coronary artery disease - a preliminary report. Journal title: Kardiologia Polska Authors: Zofia Dzielińska, Lukasz A Małek, Marta Roszczynko, Małgorzata Szperl, Marcin Demkow, Jacek Kądziela... Subject(s):