Criticizing the notion of human intellectual maturity in the philosophy of seal of prophethood and imamate Journal title: جستارهایی در فلسفه و کلام Authors: Abbas Jawareshkian Subject(s):
An analysis and critique of the reasons conjecturing theimamate of Ismā‘īl from the perspective of Imamiyah sources Journal title: جستارهایی در فلسفه و کلام Authors: Mohammad ’Ali Chelongar, Seyyed Mehran Tabatabaee Poodeh Subject(s):
The necessity for the existence of the perfect man in the universe from the perspective of theoretical mysticism based on the ideas of Imam Khomeini Journal title: جستارهایی در فلسفه و کلام Authors: Seyed Morteza Hosseini Shahroudi, Razieh Niki Subject(s):
Critique of Mu’ayyid al-Dīn Jandī’s Theory on Ibn ‘Arabī’s being the Seal of the Saints of Allah (Khātam al-Awliyā) Journal title: جستارهایی در فلسفه و کلام Authors: Sayyid Husayn Sayyid Musavi Subject(s):
Notes Towards Defining ‘Theory’ (Śāstra) in Sanskrit; Systematic Classification Presented in Rājaśekhara’s Kāvyamīmāṃsā Journal title: The Polish Journal of Aesthetics Authors: Katarzyna Pażucha Subject(s):
ANALYSIS OF ‘QIYAFAH’ PERSPECTIVE OF IMAM SYAFI`I IN PROVIDING THE LINEAGE AND ITS RELEVANCE WITH GENETICS Journal title: International Journal on Language, Research and Education Studies (IJLRES) Authors: Abdul Hakim Subject(s):
Ismaili Dawa: Socio-Political Development Process Journal title: Dini Araştırmalar -Altı Aylık Bilimsel Dergi- Authors: Muzaffer Tan Subject(s):
A Sociological Review On The Problems Caused By Physical And Sociocultural Structures Of Settlements That The Imams Of The VillageWork - Case Of Kayseri Pınarbaşı - Journal title: Dini Araştırmalar -Altı Aylık Bilimsel Dergi- Authors: Emrah Yavuz Subject(s):
AN ANALYSIS ESSAY ON THE SIXTEENTH CHEMISTRY OF BABA RAHIM MASHRAB’S MATHNAWI OF CHEMISTRY, IN THE CONTEXT OF INTERTEXTUAL RELATIONS Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Sadi GEDİK Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
A STUDY ABOUT SÜTÇÜ İMAM, A THEATRE WORK WRITTEN BY CAHİT ZARİFOĞLU Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Ahmet USLU Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
TWELVE IMAMS BELIEF ACCORDING TO THE POEMS IN THE POETRY MAGAZINE WITH THE NUMBER OF 543 IN ALİ EMİRİ POETICAL WORKS SECTION AT NATIONAL LIBRARY Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Osman KUFACI Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
THE IMAM A SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Erol ERKAN Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
WHY IS NIGERIA ADICHIE’S LOWLAND? A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF JHUMPA LAHIRI’S THE LOWLAND AND CHIMAMANDA ADICHIE’S HALF OF A YELLOW SUN Journal title: IMPACT : International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature ( IMPACT : IJRHAL ) Authors: Anirban Bhattacharya Subject(s):
Lophomonas blattarum in Asthmatic Patients and Control Group Journal title: Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science Authors: Farzaneh Mirzazadeh, Fariba Berenji, Mahnaz Amini, Maryam Salehi, Aliakbar Shamsian, Abdolmajid Fata... Subject(s): Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine
“Out of ‘The Community’, at The Keyboard”: The Social Life of Imam and Preacher Schools’ Students and Their Social Media Usage Journal title: insan & toplum Authors: Ümmügül Betül Kanburoğlu Ergün Subject(s):