ABL gene kinase domain mutation scanning by denaturing high performance liquid chromatography sequencing method Journal title: Turkish Journal of Hematology Authors: Yücel Erbilgin, Suzin Çatal, Ahmet Eşkazan, Özden Hatırnaz, Teoman Soysal, Uğur Özbek Subject(s):
Molecular genetic and cytogenetic determinants of primary resistance or loss of the response to treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: K. Kotlyarchuk, Z. Maslyak, A. Lukianova, O. Tsyapka , I. Selina, H. Usenko Subject(s):
Molecular genetic and cytogenetic determinants of primary resistance or loss of the response to treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: K. Kotlyarchuk, Z. Maslyak, A. Lukianova, O. Tsyapka , I. Selina, H. Usenko Subject(s):
İmatinib Tedavisi Sırasında Kronik Miyeloid Lösemide Gelişen Promiyelositik Blastik Kriz Journal title: Turkish Journal of Hematology Authors: Federico Angriman, Maria Acevedo, Maria Rossi, Alberto Conca, Victoria Otero, Jorge Arbelbid... Subject(s):
Tyrosine kinase inhibitor –<br /> a new targeted therapy for chronic myeloid leukemia Journal title: Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής Authors: V. GARYPIDOU Subject(s):
Kronik Miyeloid Lösemi Hastasında Gelişen İnterstisyel Pnömoni Journal title: Turkish Journal of Hematology Authors: Ahmet Eşkazan, Ayşe Salihoğlu, Serdar Erturan, Teoman Soysal Subject(s):
Promyelocytic Blastic Crisis in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia During Imatinib Treatment Journal title: Turkish Journal of Hematology Authors: Federico Angriman, Maria Acevedo, Maria Rossi, Alberto Conca, Victoria Otero, Jorge Arbelbid... Subject(s):
RATIONAL DRUG DESIGNING: SUCCESS STORY OF INTRACELLULAR TARGETED AGENTS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF CHRONIC MYELOID LEUKEMIA Journal title: Asian J of Pharm Sci & Tech Authors: Trupti Rekha Swain, Niranjan Rout, Rabindra kumarJena Subject(s):
Zastosowanie połączenia pozytonowej tomografii emisyjnej z tomografią komputerową w rozpoznaniu wznowy i ocenie leczenia imatinibem nowotworu podścieliskowego przewodu pokarmowego – opis przypadku Journal title: Współczesna Onkologia Authors: Zbigniew Kula, Jarosław Szefer, Bogdan Małkowski Subject(s):
Imatinib-Induced Psoriasis Journal title: Turkish Journal of Hematology Authors: Figen Atalay, Ebru Kızılkılıç, R. Ada Subject(s):
Application of combined positron emission tomography and computed tomography in the diagnosis of recurrent gastrointestinal stromal tumor and assessment of the efficacy imatinib therapy - a case report Journal title: Współczesna Onkologia Authors: Zbigniew Kula, Jarosław Szefer, Bogdan Małkowski Subject(s):
Αναστολέας της κινάσης της τυροσίνης<br /> Μια νέα αιτιολογική θεραπεία για τη χρονία μυελογενή λευχαιμία Journal title: Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής Authors: V. GARYPIDOU Subject(s):
DESIGN AND CHARACTERIZATION OF FLOATING CONTROLLED RELEASE TABLETS OF IMATINIB MESYLATE FOR SITE SPECIFIC DRUG DELIVERY Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: Anjali Devi, Mohd Hadi, Venkateshwarulu , Vishnu Priya, V Babu Subject(s):
Interstitial Pneumonitis in a Patient with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Journal title: Turkish Journal of Hematology Authors: Ahmet Eşkazan, Ayşe Salihoğlu, Serdar Erturan, Teoman Soysal Subject(s):
Молекулярно-генетичні та цитогенетичні детермінанти первинної резистентності або втрати відповіді на лікування інгібіторами тирозинкінази хворих на хронічну мієлоїдну лейкемію Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: K. Kotlyarchuk, Z. Maslyak, A. Lukianova, O. Tsyapka , I. Selina, H. Usenko Subject(s):