Interrogation in Civil Proceedings Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences Authors: Rozita Karimpour| Master of Private Law, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, Zahra Karimpour| Master of... Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine
El Obrero Textil. A class and gendered interpellation to the workers of the textile industry in Buenos Aires between 1933 and 1946 Journal title: Revista de Estudios Marítimos y Sociales Authors: Por Verónica Norando Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Latin
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF IED INTERROGATION ARM DURING NORMAL OPERATION Journal title: Journal of KONES Authors: Wiesław Barnat, Paweł Gotowicki, Andrzej Kiczko, Marcin Szczepaniak Subject(s):
INTERROGATION SYSTEMS FOR MULTIPLEXED FIBER BRAGG SENSORS Journal title: Informatyka Automatyka Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska Authors: Damian Harasim, Piotr Kisała Subject(s):
UKŁADY PRZESŁUCHUJĄCE MULTIPLEKSOWANE ŚWIATŁOWODOWE CZUJNIKI BRAGGA Journal title: Informatyka Automatyka Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska Authors: Damian Harasim, Piotr Kisała Subject(s):
THE NEED OF A GLOBAL SECURITY THEORY Journal title: Impact Strategic Authors: Eugen SITEANU Subject(s):
Written testimonies as the sources of evidences in pre-trial production (comparative view) Journal title: Юридические науки и образование Authors: Igor Zinchenko, Artem Popov Subject(s):
Criminalistical toolkit in criminal pre-trial production Journal title: Юридические науки и образование Authors: Ilkin Jamalov Subject(s):
Tactics and methods of questioning witnesses in preparatory proceedings Journal title: Resocjalizacja Polska Authors: Marcin Kuźmiński Subject(s):
Correlation of the provisions of criminal process and criminalistics under production of interrogation Journal title: Юридические науки и образование Authors: Javid Rzazade Subject(s):
Investigative actions and organizational measures in criminal process and criminalistics Journal title: Юридические науки и образование Authors: Jafar Jafarov Subject(s):
The participation of a specialist during interrogation Journal title: Проблеми законності Authors: Вікторія Яремчук Subject(s):
Some issues of the ensuring of rights and legal interests of persons at the interrogation by the videoconference at the pre-trial investigation Journal title: Проблеми законності Authors: Денис Шингарьов Subject(s):
The features of the interrogation of persons who participates in criminal proceedings, in respect of imposing compulsory medical measures at the pre-trial investigation. Journal title: Теорія і практика правознавства Authors: Денис Шингарьов Subject(s):
To nie moja wina… – obraz oskarżonego usprawiedliwiającego się w tekstach protokołów przesłuchań Journal title: Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego Authors: Joanna Marszałek Subject(s): Linguistics, Languages and Literature, Cultural Studies, Literary Theory & Criticism, Literature, Slavic