IX Zakopiańska Konferencja Andragogiczna. Doświadczanie dorosłości współcześnie i w przeszłości – konteksty andragogiczne, Zakopane, 19–20 maja 2016 . Journal title: Edukacja Dorosłych Authors: Anna Sladek Subject(s):
Kategorie des national charakters in Österreichischen und Ungarlandischen statistiken 1780-1848 und ethnische stereotypisierung der Slowaken und Ungarn Journal title: Міжнародний науковий журнал "ОСВІТА І НАУКА" Authors: Peter Soltés Subject(s):
IDSP-control of communicable, non-communicable diseases and certain Core conditions-integration at the district level Kadapa Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Dr M. Satyanarayana Raju, Dr T.S.S. Manidhar Subject(s):
Risk-Taking Behaviour among Commercial Motorcycle Taxi [Okada] Riders in a Semi-Rural Area of Bayelsa State Journal title: International Journal of Health Sciences and Research Authors: O. A. Osinowo Subject(s):
Wybrane aspekty wpływające na rynek nieruchomości w Polsce Journal title: Rynek – Społeczeństwo – Kultura Authors: Joanna Olszowy Subject(s):
A Comparative study of Analgesic Effect (Vednahara Karma) of Shigru Tvaka and Kadamba Tvaka Kvatha in Amavata Vis-A-Vis Rheumatoid Arthritis Journal title: International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Authors: Brijesh Kumar, Satya Prakash Chaudhary, Richa Anand, Kirtika ., Anil Kumar Singh Subject(s):
Sprawozdanie z III Ogólnopolskiego Zjazdu Andragogicznego: Dorośli w edukacji. Nowe konteksty, odmienne perspektywy, innowacyjne rozwiązania, (Warszawa, 12–13 czerwca 2017 roku) Journal title: Edukacja Dorosłych Authors: Monika Gromadzka, Ewa Dębska, Anna Marianowska, Krzysztof Pierścieniak Subject(s):
A Clinical Evaluation of Bilateral Brachial Plexus Block Using Different Approaches for Upper Limb Orthopaedic Surgeries Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Dr. Amit Kumar Jain, Dr. Hansraj Baghel, Dr. Sonal Awasya Subject(s):
Sugammadex: A potential cause of unexpected re-operation after closed reduction of subcondylar mandibular fracture Journal title: Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports Authors: Sungwan Kim, Byunghoon Yoo, Sangseok Lee Subject(s):
The Efficacy of Spinal Ganglion Blockade in a Patient with Peripheral Circulation Dysfunction: A Case of Scleroderma Journal title: Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports Authors: Mustafa Ozgur, Ayhan Koseoglu Subject(s):
INDYWIDUALIZACJA NAUCZANIA I UCZENIA SIĘ – OTWARTE FORMY PRACY W GIMNAZJUM ORAZ W KSZTAŁCENIU AKADEMICKIM (ACTION RESEARCH) Journal title: Neofilolog Authors: Beata KARPETA-PEĆ Subject(s): Education, Linguistics, Literature, Languages and Literature, Philology
To Correlate Clinical Diagnosis with Histopathology and DIF Pattern of Autoimmune Based Vesiculobullous Disorders In A Tertiary Teaching Hospital Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Dr.P. SAILAJA Subject(s):
Haritaki A Boon To Herbalism – A Review Journal title: Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences Authors: Dr S. Aruna, Dr L.V. Nandakishore Subject(s):
Phyto Pharmacology and Ethnomedical Approach of Terminaliachebula (Kadukkaai): A Review Journal title: Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy Authors: Nalini Sofia H, Vetha Merlin Kumari H, Thomas M. Walter, Manickavasakam K Subject(s):
Indigenous Food Plants of Kubau Tribe in Kaduna State, Nigeria Journal title: Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences Authors: MacDonald Idu, Tukur Hafsat Muhammad Subject(s):