Efficient Multiplier Design for DWT through Lifting Scheme Journal title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Authors: Ms. Dhrisya, Mr. V Lakshmipathi Subject(s): Engineering, Applied Linguistics
Design Of Enhanced 3d-Dwt for Image Transformation Journal title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Authors: Roopa Mitekar, Dr.Baswaraj Gadgay, Suman Pujari, Vivekanand M Bonal Subject(s): Engineering, Applied Linguistics
Design of DWT Module Journal title: International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS) Authors: Prabha S Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Psychology, Music, Agricultural Science, Physical Education, Geography, Health and Wellness
Robust Image Compression using Integer Wavelet Transform Exploiting Lifting Scheme Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY Authors: Tilak Mukherjee , B.Y.V.N.R Swamy , M.V.L Bhavani Subject(s):
HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION OF SATELLITE IMAGE ENHANCEMENT USING DWT LIFTING SCHEME WITH SPARTAN3 FPGA KIT Journal title: International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology Authors: Ms.Soumya.P.R , Mr.S.Sakthivel Subject(s):
A Novel 9/7 Wavelet Filter banks For Texture Image Coding Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence(IJARAI) Authors: Songjun Zhang, Guoan Yang, Zhengxing Cheng, Huub van Wetering Subject(s):
Implementation of Lifting-Based Two Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform on FPGA Using Pipeline Architecture Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER TRENDS & TECHNOLOGY Authors: Raghavendra G , Mrs. Anita R Subject(s):
Implementation of Novel Medical Image Compression Using Artificial Intelligence Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Mohammad Al-Rababah, Abdusamad Al-Marghirani Subject(s):
LOSSLESS IMAGE COMPRESSION VIA LIFTING SCHEME AND SPIHT Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Poonam K.Patil , U. A. Patil Subject(s):
ROI-based Compression on Radiological Image by Urdhva-Tiryagbhyam and DWT Over FPGA Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Suma Suma, V. Sridhar Subject(s):