Criteria of evaluation of indicators of speed of movements at young men in rowing

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: Bogush, V.| Национальный университет кораблестроения имени Макарова, Николаев, Украина, Hetmantsev,...

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

The research of indicators of speed of movements at girls in rowing

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: V. Bohush| Национальный университет кораблестроения имени Макарова, Николаев, Украина, S. Hetmantsev...

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

Condition and Nature of Modern Science and Islamic Science

Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences

Authors: Sayyed Mostafa Managheb| Associate Professor of Kashan Payamnoor University. E.mail: falsafe_42@yaho...

Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine

Optimized Passive Network for 4G Communication

Journal title: The International Journal of Technological Exploration and Learning

Authors: M Anil Kumar| Dept. of ECE AITAM College of Engg, Tekkali, Andhra Pradesh, India, Ch.Rajasekhar| Ass...

Subject(s): Engineering, Educational Technology

The Light and the Grace: Christian Metaphors

Journal title: ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies

Authors: Iacob COMAN| Maître de conférences, Institutul Teologic Penticostal de Bucarest, Roumanie

Subject(s): Social Sciences, Cultural Economics, Economic Systems

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