An Evaluation About the Number and Order of the Children Born from Khadija of The Prophet’s Journal title: İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi Authors: Kevser ÖZDOĞAN Subject(s): Education, Literature, History , Religion, Theology
ЩОДО ПИТАННЯ ПРО ЧАС ЗАКІНЧЕННЯ ПОЛІТИЧНОЇ КАР’ЄРИ ДЖУЧИДСЬКОГО ХАНА МУХАММАДА Б. ТИМУРА Journal title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія Authors: Юрій Зайончковський, Світлана Романова Subject(s):
Muhammad al-Madani al-Trabzuni and his Risalah fi Bayan al-Azdad Journal title: Eskiyeni Authors: Ali Benli Subject(s):
The Panorama of Contemporary Tafsir Between Past and Future Journal title: Eskiyeni Authors: İsmail Çalışkan Subject(s):
Al-Akhlaq (Ethics) Perceptions in Islam: A Textual Interpretation through Imam Muhammad Al-Ghazali Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Authors: Mohammed Muneer’deen Olodo Al- Shafii, Mohd Safri Ali, Engku Ibrahim Engku Wok Zin, Abdulsoma Thoarl... Subject(s):
Integrated Model and Study on the Prominence of Social Entrepreneurship Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Authors: Md. Abu Naim Shorkar, Wang Hong Subject(s):
THE WORK «FIRDAWS AL-IQBAL» AND THE RESEARCH OF THE PERIOD OF MUHAMMAD RAHIMKHAN I DURING THE YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE IN UZBEKISTAN Journal title: Journal «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research» Authors: Bunyodbek Saparbayev Subject(s): Archaeology, Economics, Humanities, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Art History , History , Anthropology, Sociology
Emergence of the First Kaysaniyya Ideas in the Context of Mukhtâr al-Thaqafi’s Life Journal title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi Authors: Aytekin Şenzeybek Subject(s): Humanities, Religion, Sociology, Social Sciences
The Prophet Muhammad’s Faith in the Pre-Prophethood Period in the Context of the Verses, al-Duha (93/7) and al-Inshirah (94/2) Journal title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi Authors: Recep Demir Subject(s): Humanities, Religion, Sociology, Social Sciences
The Economic Views of Syeikh Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari Regarding Zakat: An Analysis of the Sabil Al-Muhtadin Text Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Authors: Muhammad Yusri Yusof@ Salleh, NoorAileen binti Ibrahim, Rahimin Affandi Abd Rahim, Mohd Zahirwan Hal... Subject(s):
HARAKAH (MOVEMENT) TRANSNASIONAL IN INDONESIA AND PERSPEKTIF MUHAMMADIYAH Journal title: Academic Research International Authors: M. Ag. Mahsun Subject(s):
Pengaruh Penerapan Universal Precaution (Hand Higiene dan APD) dalam Mencegah Insiden Hepatitis C pada Pasien Hemodialisa di RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Journal title: IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices) Authors: Mashuri Mashuri, Elsye Maria Rosa, Yuni Permatasai Istanti Subject(s):
Education in the Perspective of Muhammad Rashid Rida Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Authors: Norahida binti Mohamed, Mohamad Zaidin bin Mat@ Mohamad, Muhamad Zaid bin Ismail, Taha Talal Abdul ‘... Subject(s):
The Prophet's Approach to Wealth and Relations With Richs Journal title: Mütefekkir Authors: Yılmaz ÇELİK Subject(s): Social Sciences, Islam, Religion
The Production of Space: Everyday Life in Medina in The Period of The Prophet Muḥammad (PhD. Dissertation) Journal title: ULUM Authors: İlyas Uçar Subject(s):