Antibiotic Therapy for ESBL and NDM producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates in a Tertiary Care Center Journal title: Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Authors: Vedant Vikrom Borah, Mrinal Kumar Baishya, Kandarpa Kumar Saikia Subject(s):
Two stage revision arthroplasty for infected THA with handmade antibiotic impregnated cement hip spacer: A prospective cohort study Journal title: International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences Authors: Dr. Narendra Singh Kushwaha, Dr. Devarshi Rastogi, Dr. Mukesh Kumar Dwivedi Subject(s):
Clinico-aetiological profile of onychomycosis at a tertiary care centre in northeast India Journal title: IP Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Authors: Bijayanti Devi, Dilimpou Pamei, Sanalembi Mutum Subject(s):
Study of mandibular foramen from different bony landmarks in dry human mandibles Journal title: IP Indian Journal of Anatomy and Surgery of Head, Neck and Brain Authors: Shaikh Amjad, Zuberi HR, Azhar Ahmed S Subject(s):
NATURE AND SPECIFICS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS TO THE BASIC LAW HUNGAR Journal title: Порівняльно-аналітичне право Authors: Д. С. Стенькин Subject(s):
IndMed : An Evaluative Study on the Coverage of Indian Medical Literature Journal title: SRELS Journal of Information Management Authors: Subject(s):
Involvement of maternal grandmother and teenage mother in intervention to reduce pacifier use: a randomized clinical trial Journal title: Jornal de Pediatria Authors: Leandro Nunes Subject(s):
Dzieło człowieka pod opieką Boga. Wiatrak z Gryżyny: najstarszy zachowany młyn wietrzny w Polsce i jego symboliczne przesłanie. Wprowadzenie do szerszych rozważań Journal title: Studia Lednickie Authors: Andrzej M. Wyrwa Subject(s): Archaeology, History , Anthropology, Art, Chemical sciences
Scenario of Over the Counter Medicines Worldwide Journal title: International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs Authors: Sunny Panwar, Khushboo Bhatia, Amrish Chandra Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Toxicology, Health and Wellness
Calculating position of joint line of knee using various radiological parameters based on Indian population Journal title: International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences Authors: R Amarnath, V Thirunarayanan, S Senthil Kumar, G Vinoth Kumar Subject(s):
The Political System of the Republic of Turkey, Past and Present Journal title: Przegląd Politologiczny Authors: Ahmet Burak, Joanna Marszałek-Kawa Subject(s):
QUANTIFICATION OF C FACTOR FROM USLE MODEL USING CERTAIN SETS OF CLASSICAL AND SATELITE DATA IN NW ROMANIA Journal title: Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Seria Geografie Authors: Lucian BLAGA, Ioana JOSAN, Liviu BUCUR Subject(s):
Ринок землі і держава Journal title: Аграрна економіка Authors: Heorhiy (Georgij) Cherevko (Czerewko) Subject(s):
The Woman Characters in the Select Fiction of Alice Walker Journal title: Research Journal of Philosophy & Social Sciences Authors: Dr. S. Karthik Kumar Subject(s):
Palatal rugae: Stable or variable Journal title: IP Indian Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Research Authors: Nilesh Mote, Rajlaxmi Rai, Abhijit Misal, Richa Mishra, Abhimanyu Rohmetra Subject(s):