Comparison of 3 ml vs. 5 ml Local Injection of Lignocaine in Closed Reduction of Colles’ Fracture Journal title: Journal of Pakistan Orthopaedic Association Authors: Kashif Mahmood Khan, Ranjeet Kumar, Vinod Kumar, Muhammad Saeed Minhas, Anisuddin Bhatti Subject(s): Medicine
Research on the change of the combined moment of inertia for two-link manipulator with angular coordinate system Journal title: Gіrnichі, budіvelnі, dorozhnі ta melіorativnі mashini Authors: Yaroslav Korobenko, Dmytro Mishchuk, Illja Sankin Subject(s): Engineering
Research of relationships between the technical parameters of industrial manipulators Journal title: Gіrnichі, budіvelnі, dorozhnі ta melіorativnі mashini Authors: Yaroslav Korobenko, Dmitry Mishchuk, Ilya Sankin Subject(s): Engineering
Doğu İmgesine Eleştirel Bir Bakış: Ali Canip Yöntem’in “Şark’ın Ufukları” Şiiri (A Critical Look at the Image of the East: Ali Canip Yöntem’s Poem “Horizons of the Orient”) Journal title: Türk Dünyası Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi Authors: Halil Fatih ALAGÖZ Subject(s): Linguistics, Folklore, Literature, Cultural Studies, Literary Theory & Criticism, Language & Linguistics, Literary Reviews
O’zbek Tilida Reklamalar (Advertisements in Uzbek Language) Journal title: Türk Dünyası Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi Authors: Shohida HOSHIMOVNA SHAHOBIDDINOVA - Begzodbek ABDULLAYEV Subject(s): Linguistics, Folklore, Literature, Cultural Studies, Literary Theory & Criticism, Language & Linguistics, Literary Reviews
MİKROKONTROLLER BAZASINDA ROBOTUN İDARƏETMƏ QURĞUSUNUN İŞLƏDİLMƏSİ Journal title: Scientific Work Authors: Sevinc Muxtarova, Humay Kamallı, Nərgiz Abdullayeva Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Astronomy/Astrophysics/Space Science, Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Humanities, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Literature, Agricultural Science
Modeling of the Rotary Mechanism of the Hydraulic Manipulator of a Timber Truck Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: Valeryi I. Posmetyev, Vadim O. Nikonov, Andrey Yu. Manukovskii, Viktor V. Posmetyev, Igor V. Kazakov Subject(s): Technology, Forestry
Optimizing multi-domain hematologic biomarkers and clinical features for the differential diagnosis of unipolar depression and bipolar depression Journal title: Chinese Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases Authors: Jinkun ZENG, Minne CAO, Dandan LIU, Wei. DENG Subject(s): Medicine
Development of an Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller using Neural Networks for Trajectory Tracking of a Cylindrical Manipulator Journal title: Engineering and Technology Journal Authors: TieuNien Le , VanCuong Pham ,NgocSon Vu, Subject(s): Engineering, Technology
Аналіз умов відкриття малого бізнесу в індустрії краси: приклад міста Дніпро Journal title: Challenges and Issues of Modern Science Authors: Яніна Колодкіна, Олександр Крупський Subject(s): Business Administration, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Management Science/Operations Research, Aerospace Engineering, Management Science, Management and Marketing, Environmental Protection
ANALYSIS OF THE ADVENTIVE FRACTION OF THE FLOODWATER OF THE DNIPR RIVER IN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE NORTHERN STEPPE Journal title: Biota. Human. Technology Authors: Lina Karmyzova Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences
The choice of the mode of operation of the stepping motors in the machines of the numerical software control Journal title: Modern Innovations, Systems and Technologies Authors: E. A. Likova Subject(s): Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Management Information Systems, Technological Change, Control Systems, Control and Optimization, Innovation