Towards deeper comprehension in higher engineering education: rethinking "in theory yes, but not in practice" Journal title: European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Authors: Aki Korpela| Department of Electrical Engineering, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Tampere,... Subject(s): Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics
Towards deeper comprehension in higher engineering education: "method of cornerstones" Journal title: European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Authors: Aki Korpela| Department of Electrical Engineering, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Tampere,... Subject(s): Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics
Challenges for Emirati university students in comprehending mathematical text and word problems Journal title: European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Authors: Mark Causapin| Mathematics and Statistics, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, mark.c... Subject(s): Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics
Administrative Workload of GP’s in the Republic of Macedonia: an Urgent Call for Change Journal title: Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (MJMS) Authors: Vladimir Lazarevik, MD, MPH| Institute of Social Medicine, Medical Faculty, Ss. Cyril and Methodius... Subject(s): Epidemiology, Physiology
The Relationship between journalists and PR practitioners in Romania – Somewhere in between co-operation and conflict Journal title: ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies Authors: Cristina COMAN| Maître de conférences à l'Université de Bucarest, Faculté de Journalisme et des Scie... Subject(s): Social Sciences, Cultural Economics, Economic Systems
The misappropriating of an innovation by Cameroonian learners: For a global and participative approach of the integration of ICTs in school Journal title: ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies Authors: Emmanuel BECHE| Enseignant-Chercheur, Université de Maroua, Cameroun, Ecole Normale Supérieure Subject(s): Social Sciences, Cultural Economics, Economic Systems
Macro-reasoning and cognitive gaps: understanding post-Soviet Russians’ communication styles Journal title: ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies Authors: Doctor Elena FELL| Tomsk Polytechnic University RUSSIA Subject(s): Social Sciences, Cultural Economics, Economic Systems
Practices and Impeding Factors in the Teaching of English to Young Learners in the First Cycle Public Primary Schools at Nekemte Town, Western Ethiopia Journal title: STAR Journal Authors: Eba Mijena| Institute of Language Studies and Journalism, Wollega University, Post Box No: 395, Neke... Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Technological Change
Influencing Healthcare Policy: Implications of State Legislator Information Source Preferences for Public Relations Practitioners and Public Information Officers Journal title: Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies Authors: David Weiss| University of New Mexico, USA, Judith M. White| University of New Mexico, USA, Rachel A... Subject(s): Data Communication and Networks, Technology and Design Education, Development Studies
“Keep in mind that I will be improvingâ€: The Opening Post as a Request for Absolution Journal title: Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies Authors: Vittorio Marone| The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA Subject(s): Data Communication and Networks, Technology and Design Education, Development Studies
Sojourners Inter-Cultural Communication Competence in Ethiopia: The Case of Amhara National Regional State (ANRS) Journal title: Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies Authors: Mekonnen Hailemariam Zikargae| Bahir Dar University, Nigeria Subject(s): Data Communication and Networks, Technology and Design Education, Development Studies
ETHICS IN NIGERIA PUBLIC SECTOR: THE HR PRACTITIONERS’ PERSPECTIVES Journal title: European Journal of Business and Social Sciences Authors: FRANCIS C. ANYIM Ph.D| FCIPM., FNIM., FABS, FCAI Department of Industrial Relations and Personnel Ma... Subject(s): Economics, Management Science
OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE AND FIRM PERFORMANCE: EVIDENCE FROM MALAYSIAN TRADING AND SERVICES SECTOR Journal title: European Journal of Business and Social Sciences Authors: Zuriawati Zakaria| (Corresponding Author) Department of Finance, Faculty of Business and Finance, Un... Subject(s): Economics, Management Science
AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF BUYER- SUPPLIER PARTNERSHIP ON BETTER SERVICE DELIVERY WITHIN NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS: A CASE OF WORLD VISION INTERNATIONAL Journal title: European Journal of Business and Social Sciences Authors: Imeleny Imo Samuel| Department of Entrepreneurship and Procurement Jomo Kenyatta University of Scien... Subject(s): Economics, Management Science
INNOVATIVE BUSINESS FOR BELOW POVERTY LINE INDIVIDUAL ON MICROPARTNERSHIP - A CASE OF PERSONALIZED GIFT BOXES Journal title: European Journal of Business and Social Sciences Authors: Dr. Hemant J. Katole| Department of Management Sciences (PUMBA) University of Pune Pune-411007 E-mai... Subject(s): Economics, Management Science