ROLE OF DR. RAM DAS SEN (1845-1887) IN NINETEENTH-CENTURY BENGAL RENAISSANCE Journal title: IMPACT : International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature ( IMPACT : IJRHAL ) Authors: Shyamal Chandra Sarkar, Khokan Saikh Subject(s):
Conflicting Discourse of Foreignizing Informative Text: The Case of Kamal Abu Deeb's Translation of Orientalism Journal title: International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation Authors: Fadil Elmenfi, Ahmed Gaibani Subject(s):
Application of selected non-linear functions to describe oriental goat’s rue (Galega orientalis Lam.) growth Journal title: Acta Agrophysica Authors: Katarzyna Rymuza, Antoni Bombik, Elżbieta Radzka Subject(s):
Sweetness in the Belly: A Saidian and Post Saidain Post-Colonial Reading Journal title: International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation Authors: Ali Mikaeli, Montakhabi Bakhtvar Subject(s):
The Oriental Studies Circle in NaUKMA: history and present time Journal title: Наукові записки НаУКМА. Філософія та релігієзнавство Authors: Nataliia Pavlyk, Maryna Mudrak Subject(s):
A Brief Analysis on Characteristics of Islamic Thoughts of Allama I.I.Kazi Journal title: The Islamic Culture "As-Saqafat-ul Islamia" الثقافة الإسلامية Authors: Shahid Nazer Khan, Dr. Bashir Ahmed Rind Subject(s):
The Issue of Plagiarism in Pre-Islamic Poetry and Analytical Study Journal title: The Islamic Culture "As-Saqafat-ul Islamia" الثقافة الإسلامية Authors: Dr Rahmi Imran, Dr Khalid Dad Malik Subject(s):
‘Fraternity of civilizatios’ and the role of Islam Journal title: Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization (JITC) Authors: Maryam Sakeenah Subject(s):
Phytochemical Analysis and Antibacterial Activity of Trema orientalis (Ulmaceae) Stem Bark Extracts on Respiratory Tract Bacteria Journal title: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research Authors: Glory O. Ajayi, Agumage Idoko, Abdulrahman Usman Subject(s):
Research on Pest and Pathogen of green Plantings of Tbilisi, Georgia Journal title: Darnios aplinkos vystymas Authors: Manana Kereselidze, Mzia Beruashvili, Zaza Shavliashvili Subject(s):
Seraya Shapshal (1873–1961) Journal title: Almanach Karaimski Authors: Виктор Дзевановский-Петрашевский Subject(s):
ОРІЄНТАЛІЗМ: ЙОГО СУТНІСТЬ І ПРОЯВИ Journal title: Гуманітарний часопис Authors: Надія Северин Subject(s):
Orientalism : A Perspective Journal title: Review Journal of Political Philosophy Authors: Chetna Gupta Subject(s):
SHABTIS IN THE COLLECTION OF THE MUSEUM OF ORIENTAL ART IN ZOLOCHIV CASTLE Journal title: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Історія Authors: M. Tarasenko Subject(s):
Sprostowanie niektórych tłumaczeń z tureckiego ws. Nowy przekład dziejopisów tureckich Ignacego Pietraszewskiego – pomiędzy recenzją a translacją Journal title: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica Authors: Jolanta Klimek-Grądzka Subject(s):