Extragonadal Retroperitoneal Pure Yolk Sac Tumour Journal title: People's Journal of Scientific Research. Authors: Pallavi Choudaha , KS Likhar , SG Gupta , Y Patle , RA Hazari Subject(s):
Small Incision preperitoneal repair for inguinal hernias - A study of 300 cases Journal title: International Journal Of Research In Medicine Authors: Adeesh P. Jain 1 * , Atul K. Saxena 2 Subject(s):
Lateral Transperitoneal Laparoskopik Adrenalektomi: Tek Merkez Deneyimi Journal title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi Authors: Omer Kurt, Cenk Yazici, Cuneyt Turan Subject(s):
HLA-B27 (antigen) in retroperitoneal fibrosis in a family Journal title: Archives of Medical Science Authors: Mohammad Yazdani, Afshin Shadmehr Subject(s): Medicine
Sol retroperitonal kist hidatik ve tedavi yaklaşımı Journal title: Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Authors: Alper Avcı, Serkan Bayıl, Recep Tekin Subject(s):
Retrospektywna 10-letnia obserwacja powikłań związanych z utrzymywaniem w jamie otrzewnej cewników u pacjentów leczonych metodą dializy otrzewnowej Journal title: Polish Journal of Public Health Authors: Sławomir Mozul, Agnieszka Grzebalska, Andrzej Książek Subject(s):
Study of effect of peritoneal dialysis and cell therapy on syndrome of intestinal insufficiency in necrotizing pancreatitis Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: A. Kebkalo Subject(s):
Interpretation of serous effusion cytopathology in a medical college Journal title: International Journal Of Research In Medicine Authors: Nilay Shah 1 , Sunita Shah 2 , F.R. Shah 3 , Sanjay Chauhan 4 * , Piyush Solanki 5 Subject(s):
ELIMINATION OF ANGIOTENSIN – CONVERTING ENZIME INHIBITORS BY PERITONEAL DIALISATE Journal title: Acta Medica Medianae Authors: Jadranka Odović, Jasna Trbojević-Stanković Subject(s):
Soliter Böbrekte Unutulmuş Üreteral Stentli Olguda Travma Sonrası Retroperitoneal Hematom Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine Authors: Mustafa Aldemir, Evren Işık, Önder Kayıgil Subject(s): Surgery, Health Care Sciences & Services, Medicine, General & Internal, Humanities, Multidisciplinary
Pathogenetic substantiation of surgical treatment of recurrent inguinal hernia Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: L. Bilіanskyі, O. Svіsenko, S. Netesa Subject(s):
A study of 150 cases of intraperitoneal tuberculosis Journal title: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Authors: Jayesh Gohel, Manan Desai, Dinesh Sharma, Nainesh Patel, Uday Raswan Subject(s):
Effects of co-administration of fluoxetine and risperidone on properties of peritoneal and pleural macrophages in rats subjected to the forced swimming test. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Adam Roman, Justyna Kuśmierczyk, Ewa Klimek, Zofia Rogóż, Irena Nalepa Subject(s):
AN INTERESTING CASE OF ABDOMINAL LUMP- A LARGE, NON FUNCTIONING, EXTRA- ADRENAL PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Sreeharsha M.V, Shivakumar S Subject(s):
Preperitoneal fat thickness (PFT) of patients undergoing a medical examination assessed by an ultrasonographic method Journal title: Journal of Analytical Bio-Science Authors: Emi Uchibori Subject(s):