God and Guns: Examining Religious Influences on Gun Control Attitudes in the United States Journal title: Religions Authors: Stephen M. Merino Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Armenians and 20th century genocide - Debates Journal title: Academicus - International Scientific Journal Authors: Maria Macioti Subject(s):
Edukacja narzędziem w walce o dominację religijną na Haiti Journal title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny Authors: Paulina Chmiel-Antoniuk Subject(s):
The activities of the Pentecostal from Slavyansk during the war years 2014-2015 Journal title: Eminak Authors: Nikolai Karpitsky Subject(s): Archaeology, Humanities, Social Sciences, History
The phenomen of protestant chaplains in a combat zone in the East of Ukraine (based on fund collection the National museum of Ukrainian history) Journal title: Eminak Authors: Alina Romanik Subject(s): Archaeology, Humanities, Social Sciences, History
Z dziejów kształtowania się mentalności elity społeczeństwa toruńskiego w XVII i w pierwszej połowie XVIII wieku. Próba ujęcia zagadnienia Journal title: Zapiski Historyczne. Poświęcone Historii Pomorza i Krajów Bałtyckich Authors: Kazimierz Maliszewski Subject(s):
Religion and Politics George Berkeley’s Understanding of Ireland’s Wellbeing in Early and Late Editions of The Querist Journal title: Ruch Filozoficzny Authors: Marta Szymańska-Lewoszewska Subject(s):
The Joint Action Group of Churches: A Catholic-Protestant Local Ecumenical Experiment in Kumba-Cameroon, 1970-1996 Journal title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: Michael Kpughe Lang (PhD) Subject(s):
МЕДІА-ПРОСТІР ЯК РЕФЛЕКСІЯ КУЛЬТОВОЇ І ПОЗАКУЛЬТОВОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ ХРИСТИЯНСЬКИХ КОНФЕСІЙ Journal title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія Authors: Svitlana Fylypchuk Subject(s):
The Impact of the Image of God in the Concept of the Protestants from Romania upon the Mental Health Journal title: Dialogo Authors: Annamária Balla Subject(s):
Religious Attitudes Regarding the Suffering in the Outlook of the Protestants from Romania Journal title: Dialogo Authors: Annamária Balla Subject(s):
DIFFERENTIATED CONSENSUS IN ANTHROPOLOGY AS THE BASIS OF “ECUMENICAL ETHICS”?: CATHOLIC-LUTHERAN EXAMPLE Journal title: Acta Missiologica Authors: Robert Svatoň Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Sociology
Germans protestant in the ukrainian insurgent movement of 1919-1921 yy Journal title: Література та культура Полісся Authors: V Barov Subject(s):
MODERN DOMESTIC HISTORIOGRAPHY OF REPRESSIONS AGAINST THE PROTESTANTS IN THE UKRAINIAN SSR IN THE 1920’S – 1980’S: THE REGIONAL ASPECT Journal title: Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук: Міжвузівський збірник наукових праць молодих вчених Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету Authors: Оlha DOVBNIA Subject(s):