Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 14
У статті проаналізований медіа-простір, в якому представлена культова і позакультова діяльність християнських конфесій сучасної України. Розглянуті особливості комунікацій християнських конфесій у медійованому, медіатизованому та медіапросторах. The cult and out-of-cult activities of Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant denominations are reflected in the Ukrainian and world media space, the model of which is the following segment - media space of various types of mass media. The cult activity of Christian denominations is mostly represented in live broadcasts (in Internet resources) of worship in temples. Believers of the UOC MP, the UOC KP and the UGCC, who are in their own areas (home, office, or outside), but are not directly present in the temple, have the opportunity, through interactive broadcast of worships by sites, national radio and television channels, to satisfy their religious needs and to vary degrees of intensity of experiencing religious feelings. Such a form of an individual cult activity, when the believers are not directly present in the temple, allows them to experience and express religious beliefs, feelings, needs, aspirations, expectations with another degree of intensity, depth, and contemplation; through these modern technical means of communication the person can satisfy his / her aesthetic and communicative needs. Ukrainian Protestants use live broadcasts of worships not only to meet their religious needs of their congregation, but they also do it with pastoral and missionary purpose for the outside audience. The Sola Scriptura principle is realized through personal study of the biblical text, so preaching, as the interpretation of the Scriptures, is the main means of the missionary form of the religious activity of the Protestant denominations. Varieties of practical out-of-cult activities of Christian denominations are reflected in the media space through the confessional and secular environment with the use of printed and electronic media. The media space is characterized by the phenomenon of politicization of religion and the sacralisation of politics, especially the reflection of the communication between Orthodox churches and society on the Single Local Orthodox Church and the vectors of the internal and external development of the Ukrainian state and the vision of the Orthodox denominations’ place in this process. At the same time, the media, announcing social and religious events, mark them in some way, and this determines the perception of the events and images by external and internal audiences. The media space reflects the activities of Christian denominations through such thematic blocks of reflections: "Church - Power - Society", "Church - War - Society", "Church - Values - Society", "Church - Culture - Society", "Church – Other Religions - Society". These reflections are delivered to the audience through the media channels, in particular through the numerous Christian media of various types (printed and network media).
Authors and Affiliations
Svitlana Fylypchuk
Эмпирические исследования рационально-логических и чувственно-эмоциональных компонентов образа Великой Отечественной войны в массовой памяти
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