A Study on the role of Elective Laparoscopic Appendectomy For Chronic Right Lower Quadrant Pain Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Dr. Kannan G, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Gunasekaran, Dr. Dhayanithi Dhayalan Subject(s):
A STUDY OF LOCALLY ADVANCED CARCINOMA OF BREAST Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Prabhakar Jenna, Sushma Jagadev Subject(s):
Two Analogue Computers in the Ottoman Era: Trigonometrıc (Sine) Quadrant and Sector Journal title: Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi Authors: İrem ASLAN SEYHAN Subject(s):
Introduction of Indo-Persian Astronomy with Special Reference to the Inscriptions of Quadrants Journal title: BEST : International Journal of Humanities , Arts, Medicine and Sciences ( BEST : IJHAMS ) Authors: Syed Hasan Sardar Subject(s):
Conquering the Time: An Example of a Manual for Making an Astrolabe Quadrant: Muhammad Qunawı’s Hadiyyat al-muluk Journal title: Nazariyat İslam Felsefe ve Bilim Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi Authors: Taha Yasin Arslan Subject(s):
Role of appendicectomy in relieving the chronic or relapsing right iliac fossa pain at tertiary health care centre Journal title: Medpulse International Journal of Surgery Authors: P Maharaja, S Rajendran Subject(s):
Role of elective laparoscopic appendicectomy for chronic right lower quadrant abdominal pain Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Dr.A.Affee Asma, Dr.G. Kannan Subject(s):
EMC IMPROVMENT RESEARCH OF THREE-PHASE ACTIVE RECTIFIERS WITH POWER FACTOR CORRECTION IN REGENERATIVE MODE Journal title: Збірник наукових праць Українського державного університету залізничного транспорту Authors: Volodymyr Nerubatskyi, Alexandr Plakhtiy, Angelina Gladka Subject(s):
Glaucoma Detection Using Enhanced K-Strange Points Clustering Algorithm and Classification Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Vaishnavi Kamat, Shruti Chatti, Alvira Rodrigues, Chinmayee Shetty, Anusaya Vadji Subject(s):
CLINICAL STUDY AND MANAGEMENT OF BLUNT TRAUMA ABDOMEN in 59 CASES” Journal title: IJAR-Indian Journal of Applied Research Authors: D. Lokanatham, B. Vanya, Dr.Ayyappa Srinivas Subject(s):
Role of appendicectomy in relieving the chronic or relapsing right iliac fossa pain at tertiary health care centre Journal title: Medpulse International Journal of Surgery Authors: P Maharaja, S Rajendran Subject(s):
A cross - sectional study of the visual profile of pituitary macroadenomas in a tertiary health care Journal title: IP International Journal of Ocular Oncology and Oculoplasty Authors: Lily Daniel, Vaishnavi R, Bhagya Lakshmi M.V, Ganesh K Subject(s):
Carcinoma of the Breast: A Study of the Mammographic Findings and Histological Spectrum Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Kevin Varghese Subject(s):
BІ TOOLS FOR MARKETING DATA VISUALIZATION Journal title: Причорноморські економічні студії Authors: N.I. Drokina, V.G. Darchuk, O.V. Kryzhko Subject(s):
CONCEPTUAL BASIS FOR INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT IN THE SYSTEM OF MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALIZATION Journal title: Ринкова економіка: сучасна теорія і практика управління Authors: E. A Kuznietsov Subject(s):