THE EVALUATIONS ON SOCIAL ASPECT OF RELIGION AND ITS EDUCATION Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Abdulkadir ÇEKİN*| Yrd. Doç. Dr., Kastamonu Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
THE PROBLEM OF THE FUNCTION AND THE FUTURE OF RELIGION IN RICHARD RORTY’S PRAGMATICS LIBERAL UTOPIA Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Ferhat Akdemir*| Yrd. Doç. Dr. Sinop Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
GLOBAL SECURITY AND STRATEGIC STABILITY IN XXI CENTURY Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Cavanşir FEYZİYEV*| Dr., Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti Milli Meclisinin üyesi Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
THE IRISH PROBLEM IN THE CONTEXT OF ETHNO–RELIGIOUS NATIONALISM Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Mesut ġöhret*| Öğrt. Gör. Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bö... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
ARRANGEMENT OF EVERYDAY LIFE IN THE TURKEY RELIGION AND SECULARISM Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Ensar Çetin*| Yrd. Doç. Dr., Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Sosyoloji Bölümü. T... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
RELIGIOUS PLURALISM AND TEACHING OTHER RELIGIONS IN SECONDARY CURRICULUM IN THE COURSE OF RELIGIOUS CULTURE AND ETHICS Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Zübeyir BULUT*| Yrd. Doç. Dr., Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi, zubeyirbulut@hotm... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
Inner Meaning in the Religious Studies Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Hüseyin YILMAZ| Doç. Dr, Yüzüncü Yıl Ü. İlahiyat Fakültesi Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
A Study on the Comparison of Moses Mendelssohn and Martin Luther Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Seda Özmen| Dr., İÜ SBE Mezunu Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
The Relationship between Religious Coping and Coping with Stress Methods: An Analysis from Various of Variable Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Ahmet Canan KARAKAŞ| MEBDoç. Dr., SAÜ Eğitim Fakültesi, Mustafa KOÇ Öğretmen| Do... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
Social Transformatıon and Political Participation in the Syriac Community Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Ayşe GÜÇ IŞIK| Dr. Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
Religious Coping in Old Age Period Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Ayşe ŞENTEPE| Arş. Gör., SAÜ, İlahiyat Fakültesi Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
The Research of Religiosity and Mental Health in Adults According to Some Variables Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Fatma BAYNAL| Doktora Öğrencisi, SAÜ, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
Adaptation of Religious Commitment Scale to Turkish Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Ahmet AKIN| Doç. Dr.Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fak. Eğitim Bilimleri, Yunus AL... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
Turkish Form of Life Engagement Test: A Validity and Reliability Study Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Erol UĞUR| Ar. Gör., Sakarya Ünv. Eğitim, Ahmet AKIN| Doç. Dr.Sakarya Ünv.... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
The Basis of Relationship with Ahl al-Kitab According to Imam Mâturîdî Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Recep ÖNAL| Yrd. Doç. Dr., Balıkesir Ü., İlahiyat Fakültesi Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences