Acoustical Silencers (Mufflers)

Journal title: Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration

Authors: Nicolae Enescu, Ioan Magheţi, Crăiţa CARP-CIOCÂRDIA


Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Caused by Amoxicillin 

Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine

Authors: Celalettin Sever, Yalçın Kulahcı, Sinan Oksuz, Haluk Duman

Subject(s): Surgery, Health Care Sciences & Services, Medicine, General & Internal, Humanities, Multidisciplinary

Amoksisilinin Neden Olduğu Toksik Epidermal nekroliz 

Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine

Authors: Celalettin Sever, Yalçın Kulahcı, Sinan Oksuz, Haluk Duman

Subject(s): Surgery, Health Care Sciences & Services, Medicine, General & Internal, Humanities, Multidisciplinary

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