Existential boredom and sense of the human dimension Journal title: Ruch Filozoficzny Authors: Aleksandra Kondrat Subject(s):
IMPORTANT PRECONDITIONS IN TRAINING ACTIVITIES Journal title: Професійно-прикладні дидактики Authors: P. S. Atamanchuk, V. P. Atamanchuk Subject(s):
Romantyczna nuda i nowoczesna świadomość. Adam Mickiewicz – George Gordon Byron. Próba paraleli Journal title: Wiek XIX. Rocznik Towarzystwa Literackiego im. Adama Mickiewicza Authors: Sylwia Stępień Subject(s):
Nenačrtno širjenje mestnih območij in megadogodki: gospodarska rast in nedavno širjenje mesta, ki izgublja svojo konkurenčnost (Atene) Journal title: Urbani izziv Authors: Luca Salvati, Marco Zitti Subject(s):
CREDO – model edukacji osób dorosłych Journal title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny Authors: Maciej Słomczyński Subject(s):
Malignancy of Thyroid: The 8 Years Institutional Experience Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Grace Budhiraja, Monika Gupta, Gurpreet Singh Gill, Paramdeep Singh Subject(s):
Assessment of Prakriti to maintain the health condition and for the prevention of disease by the Ayurvedic Regimen Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Rapolu Sunil Buchiramulu, Piyush Tripathi Subject(s):
The Coexistence of a NonHodgkin with a Hodgkin's Lymphoma or a Single Disease? Journal title: Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports Authors: Mihăilă RG, Catana C, Vecerzan L, Morar S, Marchian S, Cernușcă-Mițariu M Subject(s):
Oxidative Stress and Endogenous Antioxidant Vitamins: Relationship in Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) Induced Experimental Rats Model Journal title: Haya: The Saudi Journal of Life Sciences Authors: Babandi A, Idachaba DA, Shehu D, Yakasai HM, Murtala Y, Gumel SM, Ibrahim S Subject(s):
The Linguistic Gap in Doctor-Patient Communication in Algeria Journal title: Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature Authors: Khadidja Belaskri Subject(s):
TECHNOLOGY OF PREPARATION AND PROCESSING OF DIFFERENT BIOMASS SPECIES IN BIOGAS INSTALLATIONS Journal title: Machinery and Energetics Authors: C.А. Шворов, В. Є. Лукін, Д.С. Комарчук, В.І. ТРОХАНЯК, В. В. Устимчук Subject(s): Engineering, Energy
Recent Study of Ground Water Quality of Sambalpur Municipal Corporation, Odisha, India Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: D.K Sahu, Binita Sahu Subject(s):
Effects of Cu and Zn Coated Urea on Eh, pH and Solubility of Cu and Zn in Rice Soils Journal title: Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Authors: Saima Kalsum Babar, Naheed Akhtar Talpur, Aijaz Ali Khooharo Subject(s):
ENGINEERING AND DEFENSIVE BUILDINGS ON THE DNIEPER DURING THE RUSSIAN-TURKISH WAR OF 1736-1739 Journal title: Чорноморська минувшина Authors: Gennady Shpitalov Subject(s):
The membrane - redox potentials three - state line system dependent - full 9 stepped cycles of proton conductance and the evolution based biological mechanism of obesity Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH Authors: Ambaga, M. Ambaga, M. Subject(s):