Plateletcrit in differenting quantitative abnormalities of platelet Journal title: Clinical and Experimental Pathology Research Authors: Bhuvanamha Devi Ramamurthy, Shivashekar G, Balaji R Subject(s):
Pulmonary Function Parameters in Healthy Nepalese Population Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH IN MEDICAL SCIENCES Authors: Santosh Kumar Deo1 , Santosh Dev2 Subject(s):
REFERENCE RANGES OF PLATELET VARIABLES AMONGST APPARENTLY HEALTHY ADULTS IN PORT HARCOURT, RIVERS STATE, NIGERIA Journal title: European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Stella Urekweru Ken-Ezihuo Subject(s):
Determination of Reference Range for B12 and Folate Levels According to Laboratory Data in an Adult Population Journal title: Bagcilar Medical Bulletin Authors: Medine Alpdemir, Mehmet Fatih Alpdemir Subject(s): Medicine