Neonatal Screening Mean haemoglobin and red cell indices in cord blood from Omani neonates Journal title: Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal Authors: Salam Alkindi| Department of Haematology, College of Medicine & Health Sciences, Sultan Qaboos Unive... Subject(s): Medicine, Biochemistry, Biomedicine
Determination of an Aspergillus fumigatus-Specific Immunoglobulin G Reference Range in an Adult Omani Population Journal title: Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal Authors: Munira Al-Rahman, Mahmood Al Kindi, Ibrahim Kutty, Ibrahim Al-Kalbani, Jalila Alshekaili Subject(s): Medicine, Biochemistry, Biomedicine
COMPARING AGE-WISE REFERENCE INTERVALS FOR SERUM CREATININE CONCENTRATION IN A “REALITY CHECK” OF THE RECOMMENDED CUT-OFF Journal title: Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry Authors: Mascha Verma , Rashmi Khadapkar, , Priyadarshi Soumyaranjan Sahu , Bibhu Ranjan Das Subject(s):
Estimation Of Reference Intervals For Plasma Amylase In Apparently Healthy Adults Of Southern Nigeria Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) Authors: B.E.KASIA , C.G.ORLUWENE Subject(s):
Estimation Of Reference Intervals For Plasma Amylase In Apparently Healthy Adults Of Southern Nigeria Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) Authors: B.E.KASIA , C.G.ORLUWENE Subject(s):
Establishing reference values and evaluation of an in-house ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) colorimetric assay in microplates Journal title: The European Research Journal Authors: Yasemin Ustundag, Kagan Huysal, Serdar Kahvecioglu, Hakan Demirci, Senol Yavuz, Murat Sambel, Dursun... Subject(s):
Estimation of Reference Range of Serum Protein Fractions in an Urban South Indian Population Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Radhika Krishnaswamy Subject(s):
Variation in Haemoglobin Reference Ranges and Implications for Use of Health Service Resource in the Republic of Ireland and the UK. Journal title: Journal of Hematology and Oncology Research Authors: JM O’ Sullivan, T McNamee, IJ Perry, MR Cahill Subject(s): Hematology, Oncology, Science, Technology
Determination of Prostate Gland Volume by Ultrasonography and Its Correlation with Anthropometric Measurements in a Subset of Karachi Population Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: Iffat Raza, Nuzhat Hassan, Pashmina Gul, Anis Jafri, Nosheen Zehra, Naila Younas Subject(s):
Haematological Indices and Absolute CD4 Counts of Apparently Healthy Population in Ondo State, Nigeria Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: Bolaji David Akinbo, Adedeji David Atere, Hammed Bankole Fatunade, Nelson Osakpamwan Iyabor Subject(s):
Reference range establishment for blood glucose and lipid profile in healthy adults Journal title: Medpulse International Journal of Biochemistry Authors: Bhuvanendranath H, Ronad S S, Shravan Kumar Subject(s):
Age-Specific Reference Range for Prostate Specific Antigen: A Retrospective Analysis in North Indian Population Journal title: International Journal of Research and Review Authors: Richa Goel Subject(s):
Matrix metalloproteinase-9: defining a normal reference range Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Stephen Mortlock Subject(s):
Establishment of reference intervals of thyroid function test in healthy individuals Journal title: IP International Journal of Maxillofacial Imaging Authors: Simbita Marwah, Mihir Mehta, Charmi Raval, Amit Trivedi, N. Haridas Subject(s):
Establishment of reference range for thyroid hormones (T3, T4 & TSH) in adult female population at clinical biochemistry laboratory of GCS medical college & hospital- A descriptive study Journal title: International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research Authors: Prashant M Jadav, Ramesh Pradhan Subject(s):