Przetoka odbytniczo-pochwowa jako powikłanie przedniej resekcji odbytnicy Journal title: New Medicine Authors: Jacek Hermann, Tomasz Kościński, Urszula Piekarska-Skowrońska, Michał Dopierała Subject(s):
Rectovaginal fistula after anterior resection of the rectum for cancer Journal title: New Medicine Authors: Jacek Hermann, Tomasz Kościński, Urszula Piekarska-Skowrońska, Michał Dopierała Subject(s):
Guz Buschkego-Lowensteina. Operacja wycięcia okrężnego guza okolicy odbytu z pokryciem ubytków przesuniętymi płatami anodermalnymi – opis przypadku Journal title: New Medicine Authors: Przemysław Ciesielski, Paweł Dutkiewicz, Maja Gorajska Subject(s):
Multimodal therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma: A complementary approach to liver transplantation Journal title: Annals of Hepatology Authors: P. Andrew Schumacher, James Powell , Andrea MacNeill, Andrzej Buczkowski, Siegfried Erb, Stephe... Subject(s):
Serum concentrations of substance P in cholestasis Journal title: Annals of Hepatology Authors: Mayur Trivedi, Nora Bergasa Subject(s):
Preoperative transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for resectable hepatocellular carcinoma: a single center analysis Journal title: Annals of Hepatology Authors: Jianyong L, Jinjing Z, Wentao W, Lunan Y, Qiao Z, Bo L, Tianfu W, Minqing X, Jiaying Y, Yongang W Subject(s):
Giant hepatocellular adenoma in a previously obese thirteen-year-old boy Journal title: Annals of Hepatology Authors: Richard A. Rosencrantz, Youmin Wu, Pierre-Yves Sonke, Yasmin Yusuf Subject(s):
Prosthetic rehabilitation in the patient after maxillectomy due to neoplasm using milled bar supported on dental endosseous implants Journal title: Prosthodontics Authors: Robert Nieborak, Dariusz Mateńko, Elżbieta Mierzwińska-Nastalska Subject(s):
Rehabilitacja protetyczna pacjenta po resekcji szczęki z powodu nowotworu z użyciem frezowanej belki wspartej na wszczepach śródkostnych Journal title: Prosthodontics Authors: Robert Nieborak, Dariusz Mateńko, Elżbieta Mierzwińska-Nastalska Subject(s):
Postoperative exercise-based rehabilitation in lung cancer – aspects of kinesiotherapy Journal title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna Authors: Małgorzata L. Bernacka, Jarosław Kużdżał, Magdalena Pieniążek, Marta Sarota Subject(s):
Pulmonary abscesses – aetiology and treatment. Ten-year experience of the Department of General and Thoracic Surgery in Lodz, Poland Journal title: Archives of Medical Science Authors: Sławomir Jabłoński, Witold Modrzewski, Jacek Rysz, Waldemar Machała, Zbigniew Jabłonowski, Jacek Ko... Subject(s): Medicine
Pankreasın kistik neoplazilerinde tanı ve tedavi: 12 olgunun analizi ve literatür taraması Journal title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi Authors: Faruk Karateke, Ebru Menekşe, Koray Daş, Sefa Özyazıcı, Selim Sözen, Hilmi Bozkurt, Safa Önel... Subject(s):
Prognostic Factors in Metastatic Brain Tumors: Study of 62 Patients Journal title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish Authors: Yusuf DURANSOY, Mehmet SELCUKI, Tumay GOKCE, Ayla DURANSOY Subject(s):
COMPLEX TREATMENT OF CHRONIC APICAL PERIODONTITIS Journal title: Journal MEDICINA STOMATOLOGIĂ Authors: Nicolae Chele, Sofia Mostovei Subject(s):
ENTEROCUTANEOUS FISTULA – A CASE REPORT Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Madan M, Nischal K, Mahesh M.S, Avinash P Subject(s):