A problem peculiar to women: Mental health in menopause<p>Kadına özgü bir sorun: Menopozda ruh sağlığı Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Şükran Ertekin Pınar, Gülay Yıldırım, Özlem Duran, Büşra Cesur Subject(s):
Post-Abortion Syndrome and nursing approaches<p>Post-Abortus Sendromu ve hemşirelik yaklaşımları Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Yılda Arzu Aba, Gül Ergün Subject(s):
The originality of transposed maqams with few composed works: Examples from Ruhnevaz and Reng-i Dil<p>Az eser bestelenmiş şed makamların özgünlüğü: Ruhnevaz ve Reng-i Dil örnekleri Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Esra Berkman Subject(s):
Turkey Training Community Alliance (TTCA) evaluation of the sport by objective function<p>Türkiye İdman Cemiyetleri İttifaki (TİCİ) amaçlarına göre sporun fonksiyonlarının değerlendirilmesi Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Murat Özmaden, Fikret Soyer, Harun Özmaden Subject(s):
Determination of factors affecting the mental health of underground miners<p>Yeraltı maden ocaklarında çalışan maden işçilerin ruh sağlığını etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Ayşe Kuzu, Gül Ünsal Barlas, Nevin Gonce Onan Subject(s):
CRITICAL REVIEW OF CHARMA KEELA (WARTS) Journal title: World Journal of Pharmaceutical and life sciences Authors: Dr. Geetanjali Hiremath Subject(s):
EVALUATION OF ANTIPYRETIC ACTIVITY OF BRUHAT HINGULESHWARA RASA Journal title: Journal of Biological and Scientific Opinion Authors: Shivaleela ., Kashinath Hadimur, R. S. Sarashetti, K A Patil Subject(s):
The Challenge of Medical Charlatanism in Adab al-Tabib: A Historical Review Journal title: International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery Authors: Sajjad Sadeghi, Farzaneh Ghaffari Subject(s):
Pengaruh Pengetahuan Perpajakan, Modernisasi Sistem Administrasi Perpajakan, Kualitas Pelayanan Pajak, Dan Kesadaran Wajib Pajak Terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Journal title: Jurnal Ekobis Dewantara Authors: Oktaviana Agustania Waru Subject(s): Management, Business, Finance
„So fällt die Feder mir vor Wehmuth aus der Hand“ – Verstummen und Nicht‑mehr‑Schreiben‑Können als Topos im Klagegedicht der Frühaufklärung Journal title: Studia Germanica Gedanensia Authors: Sonja Klimek Subject(s):
Zur Unverständlichkeit von Chiffren und Hieroglyphen der Natur in der Prosa der Frühromantik Journal title: Studia Germanica Gedanensia Authors: Agnieszka K. Haas Subject(s):
Autumn Solid Waste Characterization in the Seyitler Campus of Artvin Çoruh University Journal title: Doğal Afetler ve Çevre Dergisi Authors: Kazım Onur Demirarslan Subject(s): Geology, Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
Assessing and Mapping Erosion Risk for Velikoy Sub-watershed within Coruh River Basin in Turkey Journal title: Doğal Afetler ve Çevre Dergisi Authors: Mustafa Tufekcioglu Subject(s): Geology, Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
The Challenge of Medical Charlatanism in Adab al-Tabib: A Historical Review Journal title: Journal of Research on History of Medicine Authors: Sajjad Sadeghi, Farzaneh Ghaffari Subject(s):
AMELIORATIVE EFFECT OF PLANT EXTRACTS OF SURUHAN (PEPEROMIA PELLUCIDA) ON BLOOD GLUCOSE AND LIBIDO OF MALE MICE INJECTED WITH ALLOXAN Journal title: European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Mohammad Kanedi Subject(s):