Exercise-induced Bronchospasm -1 (Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Diagnosis) Journal title: Spor Hekimliği Dergisi Authors: Burak Ekin Dalbayrak Subject(s):
Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm - 2 (Treatment of Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm - Relation With Doping) Journal title: Spor Hekimliği Dergisi Authors: Burak Ekin Dalbayrak Subject(s):
Acute onset phantom pain Journal title: MedPulse -International Medical Journal Authors: Arvind Rajgure Subject(s):
Development of the trends in Czech spas, with an accent on Russian spa clients // Tendencje rozwojowe uzdrowisk w Czechach ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem obecności klientów rosyjskich Journal title: Geotourism Authors: Pavlína Pellešová, Miroslava Kostková Subject(s): Geology, Tourism
Effect of Snake Venom Disintegrin like domain on the Homing of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Journal title: International Journal of Stem Cell Research and Transplantation (IJST) Authors: Dalia Abd EL-Wahab Subject(s):
MOBILE TECHNOLOGY AS MIND TOOLS TO DEVELOP METACOGNITIVE SKILLS FOR SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY Journal title: Academic Research International Authors: Fajar Arianto, Punaji Setyosari, Mohammad Effendi, Saida Ulfa Subject(s):
To study the effect and complications of botulinum toxin injection in patients with Benign Essential Blepharospasm. Journal title: BJKines-National Journal of Basic & Applied Science Authors: Dr. Dipali Tandel, Dr. Vaidehi Mokashi, Dr. Swati Ravani Subject(s):
The Role of Apoptotic Factors in Assessing Progression of Periodontal Disease Journal title: International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science (IJDOS) Authors: Yvonne L Kapila Subject(s): Medicine, Science, Technology
Apoptotic, hepatoprotective and antioxidant potential of a triherbal formulation against D-galactosamine hepatotoxicity Journal title: Annals of West University of Timisoara, ser. Biology Authors: Onyekachi Ogbonnaya IROANYA, Joy Elizabeth OKPUZOR Subject(s): Plant Sciences, Ecology, Biology, Education & Educational Research, Environmental Studies, Agriculture, Multidisciplinary, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Zoology, Biodiversity Conservation, Developmental Biology, Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences
Rola surwiwiny w diagnostyce i terapii nowotworów ginekologicznych Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Marta Denel-Bobrowska, Agnieszka Marczak Subject(s): Medicine
The role of survivin in the diagnosis and therapy of gynaecological cancers Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Marta Denel-Bobrowska, Agnieszka Marczak Subject(s): Medicine
Influence of 28-O-propynoylbetulin on proliferation and apoptosis of melanotic and amelanotic human melanoma cells Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Anna Kaps, Ewa Chodurek, Arkadiusz Orchel, Marzena Jaworska-Kik, Stanisław Boryczka, Janusz Ka... Subject(s): Medicine
Wpływ 28-O-propynoilobetuliny na proliferację i apoptozę ludzkich komórek czerniaka melanotycznego i amelanotycznego Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Anna Kaps, Ewa Chodurek, Arkadiusz Orchel, Marzena Jaworska-Kik, Stanisław Boryczka, Janusz Ka... Subject(s): Medicine
Effect of Sensory Integration Therapy on Foot to Foot Distribution during Gait in Children with Spastic Diplegia Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Nahla M.Ibrahium Subject(s):